in kitchen can really be fun if you know some basic keys. Here are some
special tips to make your work interesting and comfortable. |
Images from my garden, Oil paint pictures, Wood art, Collection, My point of view and Facts.
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50 Amazingly Helpful Time-Tested Tips for the Kitchen
11 commandments | ROMANI ANTI USL
Oh lord! Ponta was given “11 commandments” by Barroso mid July and was required to return a written response two days ago (Monday). By mid-day (see here), Ponta had failed to do so. Apparently some time late on Monday, Ponta transmitted the following document written in shamefully ignorant English.There’s a PDF of this online but for your ease in reading it, I have typed it out |
11 commandments | ROMANI ANTI USL
Iti place cafeaua? Iata 14 beneficii pentru sanatatea ta!
Things I love about Australia
Watermelon (Pepene rosu)
Australian Music
10 Air Purifying Plants
The following are the top 10 indoor plants, as rated for ease of maintenance and effectiveness at purifying the air:
Remediile bunicii impotriva tusei
nostri nu au crezut niciodata atat de mult in medicamente pe cat au crezut
in plante si in puterea
leacurilor naturale. Asa au luat nasterele "leacurile babesti": fie
ca vorbim de gargara cu sare pentru dureri de gat, de malai copt pentru
dureri in piept, galbenus de ou pentru arsuri si altele. Iata cateva remedii
pentru probleme diverse desanatate! Astept si recomandarile tale! |
Pastele la romani
Sarbatoarea Pastelui cuprinde mai multe obiceiuri profane, de la curatenia in casa, obiceiurile gastronomice si innoirea hainelor, la oferirea de cadouri pe care le-ar aduce Iepurasul de Paste, multe avand insa credinte crestine sau precrestine la origine. |
Pietre pretioase
Pietrele pretioase, cele semipretioase si cristalele trimit o vibratie specifica ce intra in rezonanta cu persoana care le poarta. De aceea aceste pietre sunt folosite adesea in tratamente pentru efectele lor benefice asupra organismului uman. Desigur de-a lungul timpului pietrele pretioase au fost folosite si pentru amulete si talismane, in practicarea magiei, dar si in astrologie, fiecarei zodii revenindu-i o piatra pretioasa.
5 Things Women Should Never Say When Negotiating
I find it shocking that in the 21st century, women still make less
than men. The facts are sobering: The average woman makes about 77 percent of
a man’s salary in the same position. Asking for what you want—and deserve—can
help move that 77 percent toward 100. |
Ce te ajuta la Depresie in functie de Zodia ta?
Ce te ajuta la Depresie in functie de Zodia ta? |
Sărbătoarea creștină a Sfinților 40 de Mucenici din Sevastia (Chirion, Candid, Domnos, Isihie, Ieraclie, Smaragd, Valent, Vivian, Evnichie, Claudie, Prisc, Teodul, Eutihie, Ioan, Xantie, Ilian, Sisinie, Aghie, Aetie, Flavie, Acachie, Ecdit, Lisimah, Alexandru, Ilie, Leontie, Gorgonie, Teofil, Dometian, Gaie, Atanasie, Chiril, Sacherdon, Nicolae, Valerie, Filoctimon, Severian, Hudion, Meliton si Aglaie) -s-a suprapus peste începerea anului agricol tradițional și a generat o sărbătoare tradițională românească, Mucenicii sau Măcinicii. |
Autumn and your Garden
Autumn is a great time to rejuvenate a garden for the new season and for next spring.The tips below are an autumn garden task list that will keep your garden flourishing.
Exercise At Home without Any Equipment
10 Ways You CAN Exercise At Home without Any Equipment The tips below are an autumn garden task list that will keep your garden flourishing. The tips below are an autumn garden task list that will keep your garden flourishing. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to afford all of that fancy equipment used in the gyms? Well, as nice as it sounds, it just isn’t an option for most people. And since exercise is so important, you need to find exercises that are effective and don’t require any equipment at all.To make these exercises even more fun, you can blast music while you’re doing them. Some you can even do while watching TV.
Effective workouts
Here are the 6 WORST things you can do if you want to ignite your body's own fat-burning furnace and get lean, strong & totally ripped in less time:
Mioriţa "The Little Ewe"- Vasile Alexandri
Mioriţa "The Little Ewe" is an old Romanian pastoral ballad and considered one of the most important pieces of Romanian folklore. It has several, quite different in content versions, one of which was selected by Vasile Alecsandri to the form the textbook reference.
Zodiacul Aborigenilor Australieni
Populatia autohtona din Australia a reusit sa isi pastreze datinile si traditiile. Foarte important pentru ea este Zodiacul Aborigenilor ce isi are radacinile in vechile credinte ale triburilor |
Curtea de Arges-The Legend of Manole and Ana
In the times when faith was stronger than life and pure love of God meant a supreme sacrifice, a young man immured his wife alive in the walls of a church, thus the most beautiful house of God emerged in the county of Arges. |
The First Fire-Australia Aboriginal Legend
All cultures have legends to explain how fire was first discovered.This legend comes from the Aboriginal people who lived on the north coast of New South Wales |
How The Moon Came To Be-Australian Aboriginal Legend
How The Sun Came To Be- Australian Aboriginal Legend
All tribes have their own stories of how the sun first came to be.This tale comes from Central Victoria |
Two Brothers & The Pointer Stars an Australian Aboriginal Legend
This is a legend from the Dreamtime about two young brothers who went up into the Northern Fliders Ranges of South Australia to hunt |
Obiceiuri si sarbatori romanesti - Babele
Babele vestesc si ele venirea primaverii, se spune ca in aceste zile Baba Dochia, cea care aduce iarna incepe sa-si dea jos cele 9 cojoace, cate unul in fiecare zi si astfel in fiecare si afara se face putin mai cald, iarna lasand loc primaverii sa vina. |
Mărtişor-The Legend
The legend tells that once upon a time the sun, turning into a handsome man used to come down to earth to dance in Romanian villages. Knowing what the new passion of the sun was, a dragon followed and kidnapped him during one of his trips. Then he threw the sun into the basement of his castle. |
Best TV Shows
Legenda Dragostei
Demult, undeva pe pamant s-au adunat toate calitatile si simturile omenesti.
Cand PLICTISEALA a cascat pentru a treia oara,
NEBUNIA, nebunatica ca intotdeauna, a propus: "Hai sa ne jucam de-a v-ati ascunselea!"
INTRIGA si-a ridicat ispitita sprancenele,
iar CURIOZITATEA, neputand sa se retina, a intrebat: "V-ati ascunselea? Ce mai este si aceasta? Este oare vreun joc?" NEBUNIA a explicat ca-si va acoperi ochii si va numara pana la un milion, in timp ce toti ceilalti se vor ascunde, iar cand numaratoarea va lua sfarsit, primul ce va fi gasit ii va lua locul si astfel jocul va continua...
Cand PLICTISEALA a cascat pentru a treia oara,
NEBUNIA, nebunatica ca intotdeauna, a propus: "Hai sa ne jucam de-a v-ati ascunselea!"
INTRIGA si-a ridicat ispitita sprancenele,
iar CURIOZITATEA, neputand sa se retina, a intrebat: "V-ati ascunselea? Ce mai este si aceasta? Este oare vreun joc?" NEBUNIA a explicat ca-si va acoperi ochii si va numara pana la un milion, in timp ce toti ceilalti se vor ascunde, iar cand numaratoarea va lua sfarsit, primul ce va fi gasit ii va lua locul si astfel jocul va continua...
Valentine’s Day
The role of the Leader of the Opposition will be the same even if God is the Leader of the Government
The Opposition’s main role is to question the government of the day and hold them accountable to the public Attitudes to the role of the Leader of the Opposition should be taken into account by people. The way opposition parties work together can influence the outcomes - if they succeed in working together and in building the "political numbers" they increase their chances of toppling the government. |
Work-related stress
What is work-related stress? Everyone is under some pressure in the workplace. Some external pressures can be a positive factor, helping us to be more productive. Some people actually thrive under short-term added pressure, and our bodies are designed to meet these short-term demands. Hormones including adrenaline are released to prepare us for a "fight or flight" response to demanding situations. However, excessive and prolonged stress can take its toll, producing a range of physical and emotional health problems which have come to be grouped as "work-related stress". |
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ...este .etichetarea produselor alimentare .....ADITIVI SI HORMONI vor fi detectati. Multe persoane si rai facatori nu inteleg ce reprezinta anumite elemente de pe etichetele produselor alimentare. , Cu privire la etichetarea produselor alimentare (CODEX-
Romanii sunt saraci dar pretentiosi cand vine vorba de telefoane mobile
Romanii nu mai pot tine in buzunar decit telefoane inteligente (smart).
Un telefon performant costa in jur de 2.500 de lei. Dar, preturile sunt variate. Cele mai ieftine modele de telefoane inteligente pornesc de la 600 de lei, iar in functie de compexitatea aplicatiilor, pretul poate depasi 3.000 de lei. Insa cei mai multi romani sunt dispusi sa cheltuiasca pina la 2.000 de lei pentru achizitionarea unui astfel de telefon.
De…cand arunci pe masa unui bar, cheile unui BMW atunci ai nevoie obligatoriu de un telefon smart pe care sa il pui langa! Cheile si telefonu trebuie sa stea obligatoriu pe masa pentru ca buzunarele sint cusute! ..dealtfel si ospatarul trebuie sa vada sigla BMW si telefonu ca sa aiba respect.
Chiar au nevoie unii de astfel de aparate?, cand multi dintre ei nu ce pune pe masa in decurs de o luna? A folosi un mobil pentru a comunica e una, dar a cumpara un telephone mobil scump din care folosesti numai 10% din aplicatii, sunt fitze…ce sa-I faci unii maninca mamaliga si parizer dar au telefoane smechere... sau ei stau intr-o garsoniera dar au un mertzan belea in fata blocului... penibil!
Galaţi: Complexul „Francezi”
Galaţi: Complexul „Francezi” a fost transformat de boschetari în hazna După Revoluţie, ansamblul de spaţii comerciale a fost devastat, cărându-se la Remat tot ce se putea valorifica |
Capricorn |
Sunteti ambitioase si capabile sa va concentrati asupra problemelor personale. Totusi, atunci cand ceva nu va iese, deveniti mahnite si pana nu se rezolva problema, aceasta dispozitie nu dispare. Trebuie sa invatati sa va bucurati de lucrurile simple care vi se intampla pentru ca acestea va vor ajuta sa scapati de tensiune. Faceti ceva ce va place foarte mult, iar cand o sa va destresati, veti putea sa ganditi din nou limpede, fara sa va enervati. |
10 Things We Hate About Romania.
1. bureaucracy - people who are unwilling to think outside the box and always point to some higher authority. |
10 Things We Love about Romania:
1. Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers - the vegetables there are amazing! Organic is the norm; we're hoping the small farmers will survive the mass production revolution. |
Mineritul in Romania
Mineritul in Romania, este o problema foarte discutata si controversata, care starneste polemici, dispute, intrigi si altele, mai ales daca stam sa ne gandim la Rosia Montana, zona in care domeniul aurifer a fost cel mai practicat si zona care este cea mai veche localitate ce a fost atestata documentar ca fiind localitate miniera. Importanta Rosiei Montane este descoperita inca din perioada dacilor si a romanilor, perioada din care s-au pastrat pana in prezent galerii, unice la nivel european, conservate cu maiestrie.
Australian Politics For Dummies
Politics — it’s everywhere. It affects everything in society, like taxes, the environment, health, education, the economy, international affairs, security and everything in between. So, knowing how political decisions are made and who the important actors are makes sense. Knowledge is power, and understanding how the Australian political system actually works gives you the power to get involved and influence politics yourself.
Management of a heart attack
The warning signs of heart attack vary and |
usually last for at least 10 minutes. |
The patient may get more than one of |
these symptoms: |
• discomfort or pain in the centre of |
the chest. It may come suddenly or |
start slowly over minutes. It may be |
described as tightness, heaviness, |
fullness, squeezing. |
• the pain may be severe, moderate or |
mild. Pain may spread to the neck, |
throat or jaw, shoulders, the back, |
and either or both arms. |
Other signs and symptoms: |
• shortness of breath |
• sweating |
• nausea / vomiting |
• dizziness |
Australian Prime Ministers
Australian Prime Ministers The Prime Minister of Australia is the head of government of the Commonwealth of Australia, holding office on commission from the Governor-General of Australia. They are the highest-paid Member of Parliament. There is no fixed role that each person occupying the office must perform. Instead there is a range of potential capacities, and within limitations they have an opportunity to enhance the position depending on their vision and other qualities. |
Julia Gillard is the current Prime Minister and the first female Prime Minister of Australia. She is the leader of the Australian Labor Party, which holds a majority in the House of Representatives since the 2010 federal election. |
Australia Day
Australia Day is on January 26 and commemorates the establishment of the first settlement at Port Jackson, now part of Sydney, in 1788. It is an opportunity for Australians to come together to celebrate their country and culture. There are reflections on the achievements of the nation and explorations of way to make the country even better in the future. |
Parfumul si Zodiacul
What You Need to Know About Gout
Gout is a disease that is due to an inborn disorder of the uric acid metabolism and is also referred to as metabolic arthritis. When you suffer from this disease monosodium urate crystals are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints and in tissues such as the tendons. Then also causes an inflammatory reaction to the tissue and the deposits get larger and burst through the skin to form sinuses discharging a white material.
Recunoasterea produselor modificate genetic
Cum putem afla daca fructele / legumele de pe rafturile marilor magazine sunt sau nu modificate genetic.Nu este deloc greu sa inveti sa recunosti fructele/legumele modificate genetic/ bio, iar problema e, ca si in cazul E-urilor, cifrele de pe ambalaj. Fii informat si nu risca sa cumperi alimente imbibate de chimicale. |
Rare mosquito disease warning issued - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Health authorities in New South Wales and Victoria are warning people not to be complacent about the buzz of mosquitoes this summer, after the detection of a rare but potentially deadly virus.
New Year's Eve
Many Australians annually celebrate New Year’s Eve with parties, music and other forms of entertainment on DecemberMajor Australian cities have special New Year’s Eve events that include parades, music and entertainment. Celebrities are often invited as guests of honor or hosts for large New Year’s Eve events. New Year’s Eve balls are popular and have various themes such as masquerade, black-tie and formal wear, tropical, or gangster and glamour. Prizes for most intriguing or best-dressed outfits are awarded at these events. |
Are you a greedy person?
We definitely live in a society that has taught us how to be greedy.
We expect instant gratification – we want it NOW! While there is nothing wrong with having money and owning possessions, it’s whether you have the ability to either wait patiently for the new Xbox game or think about whether or not you really need this new game.
Proverbs 1:19 “Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life.” Sound pretty harsh doesn’t it? Do you always need the latest fad or can you treat a friend to the movies who never has any pocket money?
Christmas Party
For some people, the mere thought of opening up the house at Christmas will send them spiralling into a panic - especially at the busy time of year that is December. For others, a house full of guests is true happiness and they couldn't get through Christmas without hosting a great party. Here are a few rules for a Christmas stress-free party
Mos Ene
Orice as face, Mos Ene refuza sa vina si pe la mine
Cred ca nu singura in aceasta situatie.
Te prinde dimineata tot numarand oile si degeaba.
Îti incepi apoi ziua cu ochii carpiti de nesomn, te lipesti de to nomatul de cafea si apoi seara, te trezesti din nou numarand oile pana în zori.
Studiile arata ca, la fel ca tine, s-au rasucit de pe o parte pe alta, toata noaptea, aproximativ 30% din populatia adulta. Înainte e a trece la tratarea insomniei este important sa stabilesti care este tipul problemei cu care te confrunti.
Specialistii au identificat trei feluri:
Cred ca nu singura in aceasta situatie.
Te prinde dimineata tot numarand oile si degeaba.
Îti incepi apoi ziua cu ochii carpiti de nesomn, te lipesti de to nomatul de cafea si apoi seara, te trezesti din nou numarand oile pana în zori.
Studiile arata ca, la fel ca tine, s-au rasucit de pe o parte pe alta, toata noaptea, aproximativ 30% din populatia adulta. Înainte e a trece la tratarea insomniei este important sa stabilesti care este tipul problemei cu care te confrunti.
Specialistii au identificat trei feluri:
- insomnie tranzitorie, care dureaza doar cateva zile,
- insomnie intermitenta, cea care nu depeseste mai mult de trei saptamani, sau
- insomnie cronica care se manifest prin lipsa somnului aproape în fiecare noapte, pe o perioada de minimum o luna
Veniti, neamurilor toate,
sa-i cantam sa-i cantam;
Pe Cristos Mantuitorul sa-l laudam,
Pe Cristos Mantuitorul sa-l laudam.
Ca la Betleem el astazi a venit
Dupa cum de mult prorocii au vestit.
Din Maria Preacurata s-a nascut,
Pentru lume mantuire s-a facut.
Intr-o pestera in iesle s-a culcat,
Si in scutece sarace s-a infasat.
Fie-n ceruri preamarire
Celui Sfant Pace fie intre oameni pe pamant.
Pastorasii intr-un cuget il slavesc,
Si cerescului Parinte multumesc.
De la rasarit si craii se ivesc,
Aur, smirna si tamaie-i daruiesc.
Pe Maria, Maica Sfanta o cinstim
Si pe Fiul ei, Mesia-l preamarim.
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