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10 Things We Hate About Romania.

1. bureaucracy - people who are unwilling to think outside the box and always point to some higher authority.

10 Things We Love about Romania:

1. Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers - the vegetables there are amazing!
Organic is the norm; we're hoping the small farmers will survive the mass production revolution.

Mineritul in Romania

Mineritul in Romania, este o problema foarte discutata si  controversata, care starneste polemici, dispute, intrigi si altele, mai ales daca stam sa ne gandim la Rosia Montana, zona in care domeniul aurifer a fost cel mai practicat si zona care este cea mai veche localitate ce a fost atestata documentar ca fiind localitate miniera. Importanta Rosiei Montane este descoperita inca din perioada dacilor si a romanilor, perioada din care s-au pastrat pana in prezent galerii, unice la nivel european, conservate cu maiestrie.

Australian Politics For Dummies

— it’s everywhere. It affects everything in society, like taxes, the environment, health, education, the economy, international affairs, security and everything in between. So, knowing how political decisions are made and who the important actors are makes sense. Knowledge is power, and understanding how the Australian political system actually works gives you the power to get involved and influence politics yourself.

Management of a heart attack

The warning signs of heart attack vary and 
usually last for at least 10 minutes. 
The patient may get more than one of 
these symptoms:
• discomfort or pain in the centre of 
the chest. It may come suddenly or 
start slowly over minutes. It may be 
described as tightness, heaviness, 
fullness, squeezing.
• the pain may be severe, moderate or 
mild. Pain may spread to the neck, 
throat or jaw, shoulders, the back, 
and either or both arms.
Other signs and symptoms:
• shortness of breath
• sweating
• nausea / vomiting
• dizziness

Australian Prime Ministers

Australian Prime Ministers The Prime Minister of Australia is the head of government of the Commonwealth of Australia, holding office on commission from the Governor-General of Australia. They are the highest-paid Member of Parliament. There is no fixed role that each person occupying the office must perform. Instead there is a range of potential capacities, and within limitations they have an opportunity to enhance the position depending on their vision and other qualities.
Julia Gillard is the current Prime Minister and the first female Prime Minister of Australia. She is the leader of the Australian Labor Party, which holds a majority in the House of Representatives since the 2010 federal election.

Australia Day

Australia Day is on January 26 and commemorates the establishment of the first settlement at Port Jackson, now part of Sydney, in 1788. It is an opportunity for Australians to come together to celebrate their country and culture. There are reflections on the achievements of the nation and explorations of way to make the country even better in the future.

Parfumul si Zodiacul

Zodiacul parfumurilor va da posibilitatea de a selectiona, raportandu-va la propriile caracteristici astologice, la calitatile exterioare si cele launtrice, acele parfumuri care le consideram cele mai potrivite cu anumite trasaturi personale la baza.
Atunci cand alegeti un parfumuri care vi se potriveste personalitatii dvs. astrologice nu faceti decat sa va puneti propriul potentia cu ajutoarul unei garderobe de parfumuri care poseda o atractie intrinseaca si ajung partea integrala a unei personalitati

What You Need to Know About Gout

Gout is a disease that is due to an inborn disorder of the uric acid metabolism and is also referred to as metabolic arthritis. When you suffer from this disease monosodium urate crystals are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints and in tissues such as the tendons. Then also causes an inflammatory reaction to the tissue and the deposits get larger and burst through the skin to form sinuses discharging a white material.


Recunoasterea produselor modificate genetic

Cum putem afla daca fructele / legumele de pe rafturile marilor magazine sunt sau nu modificate genetic.Nu este deloc greu sa inveti sa recunosti fructele/legumele modificate genetic/ bio, iar problema e, ca si in cazul E-urilor, cifrele de pe ambalaj. Fii informat si nu risca sa cumperi alimente imbibate de chimicale.

Rare mosquito disease warning issued - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Health authorities in New South Wales and Victoria are warning people not to be complacent about the buzz of mosquitoes this summer, after the detection of a rare but potentially deadly virus.

Rare mosquito disease warning issued - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

New Year's Eve

Many Australians annually celebrate New Year’s Eve with parties, music and other forms of entertainment on DecemberMajor Australian cities have special New Year’s Eve events that include parades, music and entertainment. Celebrities are often invited as guests of honor or hosts for large New Year’s Eve events. New Year’s Eve balls are popular and have various themes such as masquerade, black-tie and formal wear, tropical, or gangster and glamour. Prizes for most intriguing or best-dressed outfits are awarded at these events.

Are you a greedy person?

I know ,I'm not.I'm just the opposite.I enjoy giving.I get pleasure out of helping people and giving things to others.
We definitely live in a society that has taught us how to be greedy.
We expect instant gratification – we want it NOW! While there is nothing wrong with having money and owning possessions, it’s whether you have the ability to either wait patiently for the new Xbox game or think about whether or not you really need this new game. 
 Proverbs 1:19 “Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life.” Sound pretty harsh doesn’t it? Do you always need the latest fad or can you treat a friend to the movies who never has any pocket money?


     Natural and Cultural are the words that best capture the essence of Romania, a dynamic country rich in history,  art and scenic beauty. Romania offers the traveler countless unique travel experiences waiting to be discovered.  A journey of just three to four hours, by car or train, can take you from the Danube River to beautiful, intact medieval towns in Transylvania; from Bucharest - Romania's capital city - to the Black Sea; from Southern Transylvania to Bucovina or to Maramures.  Take a step back in time as you enter one of the world’s famous painted monasteries in Bucovina, the Sighisoara citadel  or a centuries-old village in Maramures.  Explore Romania's other  architectural treasures  and  experience its vibrant and flourishing arts scene.

Christmas Party

For some people, the mere thought of opening up the house at Christmas will send them spiralling into a panic - especially at the busy time of year that is December. For others, a house full of guests is true happiness and they couldn't get through Christmas without hosting a great party.  Here are a few rules for a Christmas stress-free party

Mos Ene

Orice as face, Mos Ene refuza sa vina si pe la mine
Cred ca nu singura in aceasta situatie.
Te prinde dimineata tot numarand oile si degeaba.
Îti incepi apoi ziua cu ochii carpiti de nesomn, te lipesti de to nomatul de cafea si apoi seara, te trezesti din nou numarand oile pana în zori.
Studiile arata ca, la fel ca tine, s-au rasucit de pe o parte pe alta, toata noaptea, aproximativ 30% din populatia adulta. ÃŽnainte e a trece la tratarea insomniei este important sa stabilesti care este tipul problemei cu care te confrunti.
Specialistii au identificat trei feluri:
  1. insomnie tranzitorie, care dureaza doar cateva zile, 
  2. insomnie intermitenta, cea care nu depeseste mai mult de trei saptamani, sau 
  3. insomnie cronica care se manifest prin lipsa somnului aproape în fiecare noapte, pe o perioada de minimum o luna


Veniti, neamurilor toate,
sa-i cantam sa-i cantam;
 Pe Cristos Mantuitorul sa-l laudam,
 Pe Cristos Mantuitorul sa-l laudam.
 Ca la Betleem el astazi a venit
 Dupa cum de mult prorocii au vestit.
 Din Maria Preacurata s-a nascut,
 Pentru lume mantuire s-a facut.
 Intr-o pestera in iesle s-a culcat,
 Si in scutece sarace s-a infasat.
 Fie-n ceruri preamarire
Celui Sfant Pace fie intre oameni pe pamant.
 Pastorasii intr-un cuget il slavesc,
 Si cerescului Parinte multumesc.
 De la rasarit si craii se ivesc,
 Aur, smirna si tamaie-i daruiesc.
 Pe Maria, Maica Sfanta o cinstim
 Si pe Fiul ei, Mesia-l preamarim.

Crăciunul ne-aminteşte

Crăciunul ne-aminteÅŸte de o seară 
Când corul îngeresc a intonat duios
O melodie în acorduri de fanfară 
Cum n-a mai fost până atunci în ţară
Vestind că s-a născut Isus Hristos.

De Crăciun

De Crăciun, sub fulgi zglobii,
pe Isus din nou vestindu-L
trec pe uliţă copii
cu colindul.

De ce Craciun?

Sunt multi ce nu-nteleg iubirea cu chip de Prunc nascut in iesle,
Nu inteleg corul de ingeri si slujesc altor interese…
Ades sarbatoresc Craciunul, insa nu-i inteleg prezenta
Si urmarind numai placerea pierd din vedere chiar esenta.

Is The Electronic Cigarette Healthy? Is It The Future of Smoking?

        The use of electronic cigarettes have recently grabbed the attention of countless tobacco users worldwide. Are they really a healthier and cheaper alternative to traditional cigarettes? Creators and product users claim you can enjoy a cheaper, healthier cigarette without the bad smells, second-hand smoke, or cancer causing chemicals. With these huge claims, we decided to investigate the electronic cigarette for our readers.

Traditii de Craciun si Anul Nou la Romani

Traditii De Craciun: 
 La inceput a fost cuvantul. Asa ca vom incepe cu termenul "Craciun". Pentru lingvisti, acest cuvant, drag si familiar, e un cuvant ciudat. Unii spun ca l-am mostenit din latinescul "creationem" - "creatie, nastere".
 Altii sustin ca e vorba de un cuvant mult mai vechi, tracic, de dinainte de romanizarea Daciei.
Iar altii spun ca ar veni din slava. Termenul "Craciun" are in limba romana cel putin opt sensuri.
 Insa cuvantul este mai simplu de explicat decat sunt traditiile. In fiecare zona a Romaniei exista un mod specific de a intampina si sarbatorii Craciunul.

How to Lose Weight with Vitamins - wikiHow

  Vitamins are essential to good health. Not only do they supplement your nutritional input when following a low-calorie diet, but they can also increase your metabolism and actively increase your weight loss! It's nice to lose weight, but what's the point if you look washed-out and unhealthy?

The Australian Light Horse Sculpture Parade

The Australian Light Horse Sculpture Parade is dedicated to the heroic troops who served in the Australian Light Horse and their horses that could never return.
 During World War II the Australian Light Horse soldiers were based in Western Sydney at a major training camp, then called Wallgrove—beside this interchange linking the M4 Motorway with the Westlink M7.              During that war, Lighthorsemen patrolled the main water supply pipeline, which runs through the area.
It is because of this long association that it was decided that the interchange at Eastern Creek should be called the Light Horse Interchange.

NASA, Microsoft Reveal Mars In Pictures -- InformationWeek

A view of Mars taken by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The Orbiter was launched in August 2005 to search the surface of the moon for evidence of the existence of water. It's equipped with a camera and other instrumentation used to analyze and record its scientific findings. The Orbiter's camera is capable of recording objects as small as a dinner plate, as well as gullies, channels, and other surface characteristics that could determine suitability for future landing sites. HiRISE images are taken from an altitude of 125 to 250 miles above the surface of the planet.

Stop smoking cold turkey, what to expect?

 Within ... 

  • 20 minutes Your blood pressure, pulse rate, and the temperature of your hands and feet will all return to normal.
  • 8 hours Remaining nicotine in your bloodstream will have fallen to 6.25% of normal peak daily levels, a 93.25% reduction. 
  • 12 hours Your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and carbon monoxide levels will have dropped to normal. 
  •  24 hours Anxieties peak in intensity and within two weeks should return to near pre-cessation levels. 
  •  48 hours Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal. Cessation anger and irritability peaks.

5 Ways to Focus on Success

When you first set a goal it’s pretty easy to stay on track.  You’ve got a plan, you’re working the plan and your motivation is strong.

As time goes on, however, there exists the possibility of losing steam and getting off-track.  In order to develop the momentum and stamina required to achieve success, there are several qualities you’ll need to focus on:

Cea mai simpla si mai eficienta modalitate de a castiga bani

Cea mai simpla si mai eficienta modalitate de a castiga bani a zielelor noastre! Produsele viitorului au intrat acum si pe piata din Romania. Nu mai astepta! Fi primul care se alatura echipei noastre chiar azi! Read More:

Ce spune despre tine ziua in care te-ai nascut

Nascuti in ziua 1: Liderii

Fire puternica si independenta. Spirit de initiativa si organizare, calitati de lider. Gandire rapida si foarte inventiva. Majoritatea celor nascuti pe 1 sunt ambitiosi, competitivi, apti sa-si croiasca un drum in viata si dornici sa atinga succesul. Nu le place sa li se dicteze ce trebuie sa faca si au oroare de rutina. Curajosi, loiali si usor idealisti, au nevoie de un scop, o provocare, un tel. Detin darul minunat de a-i motiva pe ceilalti. 

Compulsive shopping and spending

People who "shop 'till they drop" and run their credit cards up to the limit often have a shopping addiction.
Compulsive shopping or spending can be a seasonal balm for the depression, anxiety and loneliness during the December holiday season. It also can occur when a person feels depressed, lonely and angry. Shopping and spending will not assure more love, bolster self-esteem, or heal the hurts, regrets, stress, and the problems of daily living. It generally makes these feelings worse because of the increased financial debt the person has obtained from compulsive shopping. 

Unusual & Interesting Facts About Australia

  1.  Australia was the second country to give women the right to vote. 
  2.  In 1954, Bob Hawke was immortalised by the Guinness Book of Records for sculling 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Bob later became the Prime Minister of Australia. 
  3.  Until 1984, Australia's National anthem was "God save the Queen" 
  4.  Australia Day (January 26) is the anniversary of ships arriving in Sydney carrying convicts from England. 
  5.  In 2007, it was estimated that 22 per cent of living Australians had a convict ancestor
  6.  Australia's first police force was a band of 12 of the most well behaved Convicts. 
  7.  Over 90% of Australia is dry, flat and arid. Almost three-quarters of the land cannot support agriculture in any form. 
  8.  A baby kangaroo at the time of its birth measures 2 centimetres. 
  9.  Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason. 
  10.  Box Jellyfish - The Box Jellyfish is considered the world's most venomous marine creature.The Box Jellyfish has killed more people in Australia than stonefish, sharks and crocodiles combined. 
  11.  Four out of 10 Australians are migrants or the first-generation children of migrants. 
  12.  The day of the Melbourne Cup (a horse race!) is a public holiday in Melbourne. 
  13.  Dropbears - Dropbears are an evil species of koala that fall from trees and attack humans. This evil strain of koala doesn't actually exist. The story was created to fool Americans.

Aussie Slang

  Australia has its own unique culture and language, Australian language is filled with slang words and phrases. There are thousands and thousands of slang words in the Australian language to see them all, visit Aussie Slang Dictionary. Only the general slang words are shown here.
G'day: Hello or hey and is a shortened form of Good Day 
Bloke: An Australian male. 
Mate: A friend, usually a male. Often combined with G'day. 
Ambo: Ambulance or ambulance driver. 
Barbie: Barbeque or BBQ. 
Bogan: Someone that spends most of thier time drinking beer and doesnt care about thier appearance and often slacks off. 
Bottle-o: Liquor store. 
Down Under: Australia and/or New Zealand 
Dunny: Toilet, usually outside. 
Fair Dinkum: True or genuine 
Maccas: McDonalds 
Outback: Australia's country towns and areas. 
 XXXX: Brand of beer.