Health authorities in New South Wales and Victoria are warning people not to be complacent about the buzz of mosquitoes this summer, after the detection of a rare but potentially deadly virus.
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Rare mosquito disease warning issued - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
New Year's Eve
Are you a greedy person?
We definitely live in a society that has taught us how to be greedy.
We expect instant gratification – we want it NOW! While there is nothing wrong with having money and owning possessions, it’s whether you have the ability to either wait patiently for the new Xbox game or think about whether or not you really need this new game.
Proverbs 1:19 “Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life.” Sound pretty harsh doesn’t it? Do you always need the latest fad or can you treat a friend to the movies who never has any pocket money?
Christmas Party
For some people, the mere thought of opening up the house at Christmas will send them spiralling into a panic - especially at the busy time of year that is December. For others, a house full of guests is true happiness and they couldn't get through Christmas without hosting a great party. Here are a few rules for a Christmas stress-free party
Mos Ene

Cred ca nu singura in aceasta situatie.
Te prinde dimineata tot numarand oile si degeaba.
Îti incepi apoi ziua cu ochii carpiti de nesomn, te lipesti de to nomatul de cafea si apoi seara, te trezesti din nou numarand oile pana în zori.
Studiile arata ca, la fel ca tine, s-au rasucit de pe o parte pe alta, toata noaptea, aproximativ 30% din populatia adulta. Înainte e a trece la tratarea insomniei este important sa stabilesti care este tipul problemei cu care te confrunti.
Specialistii au identificat trei feluri:
- insomnie tranzitorie, care dureaza doar cateva zile,
- insomnie intermitenta, cea care nu depeseste mai mult de trei saptamani, sau
- insomnie cronica care se manifest prin lipsa somnului aproape în fiecare noapte, pe o perioada de minimum o luna
Veniti, neamurilor toate,
sa-i cantam sa-i cantam;
Pe Cristos Mantuitorul sa-l laudam,
Pe Cristos Mantuitorul sa-l laudam.
Ca la Betleem el astazi a venit
Dupa cum de mult prorocii au vestit.
Din Maria Preacurata s-a nascut,
Pentru lume mantuire s-a facut.
Intr-o pestera in iesle s-a culcat,
Si in scutece sarace s-a infasat.
Fie-n ceruri preamarire
Celui Sfant Pace fie intre oameni pe pamant.
Pastorasii intr-un cuget il slavesc,
Si cerescului Parinte multumesc.
De la rasarit si craii se ivesc,
Aur, smirna si tamaie-i daruiesc.
Pe Maria, Maica Sfanta o cinstim
Si pe Fiul ei, Mesia-l preamarim.
De ce Craciun?
Sunt multi ce nu-nteleg iubirea cu chip de Prunc nascut in iesle, |
Nu inteleg corul de ingeri si slujesc altor interese… |
Ades sarbatoresc Craciunul, insa nu-i inteleg prezenta |
Si urmarind numai placerea pierd din vedere chiar esenta. |
Is The Electronic Cigarette Healthy? Is It The Future of Smoking?
The use of electronic cigarettes have recently grabbed the attention of countless tobacco users worldwide. Are they really a healthier and cheaper alternative to traditional cigarettes? Creators and product users claim you can enjoy a cheaper, healthier cigarette without the bad smells, second-hand smoke, or cancer causing chemicals. With these huge claims, we decided to investigate the electronic cigarette for our readers.
Traditii de Craciun si Anul Nou la Romani
Altii sustin ca e vorba de un cuvant mult mai vechi, tracic, de dinainte de romanizarea Daciei.
Iar altii spun ca ar veni din slava. Termenul "Craciun" are in limba romana cel putin opt sensuri.
Insa cuvantul este mai simplu de explicat decat sunt traditiile. In fiecare zona a Romaniei exista un mod specific de a intampina si sarbatorii Craciunul.
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