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Your 3 steps to Successful Management

Acknowledgement of Debt Letter: Accounts 45 Days Old
With this letter we intend to establish prompt payment from your customer. Should there be a dispute relating to his debt Credit Department will forward a dispute form to the Customer Service for resolution purposes.
If having resolved your dispute, the debtor still resists paying, steps 2 & 3 can be completed.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The Phone Call
Credit Staff make a courtesy call.
The purpose of this is to ensure prompt payment and to ascertain that there are no disputes.

Essential Facebook Etiquette: Dos and Don’t:

    Five Dos:
 1. Message Private Matters Instead of Posting On Wall As much as you may have exhibitionistic tendencies and wants everyone to know your most intimate secrets, others may not share the same inclination. Your friends might not take it too kindly when you post what they did last night at your house party, or any other stuff which are understood to be kept between your closest friends. The fact is that most of their Facebook friends will hear about it in such a public platform. The walls indeed have ears, especially so for the Facebook Wall. Best to keep these conversations behind closed doors in Facebook Messaging.
2. Be Mindful Of What You Post When you have hundreds of friends and acquaintances in Facebook, you have people from all kinds of backgrounds, all with different jobs, beliefs, personalities, etc. Updating your status with a general statement may seem harmless to you, but others may read it in a different light. For example, you make a remark about how advertisers con unsuspecting consumers into buying something they don’t need. What you may not realize is that some of your friends in the advertising industry could see your status in their newsfeed. It’s a general statement, but they might think you are targeting them. Of course, it’s not going to be any funif you’re going to consider all the possible misinterpretations before you post anything, but just be mindful of it.
3. Call Rather Than Post Personal News This isn’t just Facebook etiquette; it’s social etiquette or even common sense. If you need to inform your friends or your family about some important and personal news (e.g. death in the family), don’t declare it out in the public domain. Facebook is a social networking site; it’s supposed to be public. This means that people can know what happened. The other reason not to post is courtesy. It’s the same reason why you shouldn’t use SMS (or even the phone) to break up with someone. It’s rude and insincere to break important news, be it good or bad ones, without having some form of genuine communication through voice tones and body languages.
4. Reply To Comments Especially If They Are Questions You post a status, and your friends make comments and ‘like’ it. I guess the least you can do is to acknowledge them by replying something, especially when they are questions directed to you. I’m not saying you should do it for the sake of doing it, but add on to their comments once in awhile. If you ignore them all the time, chances are that they won’t bother about your status anymore, lest they look silly talking to a wall. It’s almost karma.
5. Avoid Posting Comments On Every Post If you’re stalking your friend, leave it at that. Don’t make it a habit to make some comment on everything your friends post or they’ll start to get suspicious. Even if you say with all honesty that you are not stalking them, it’s not going to be easy for them to believe that their status updates always appear on your newsfeed. It’s open secret that everyone checks out their friends’ profile every now and then, but to comment on everything is to admit that you are constantly checking out on them. What is even worse is that your friend’s friends might notice as well, seeing that you are a ‘regular’ commenter. If you don’t wish to be labeled a pest, try to limit your comments somewhat. Bonus: Be Careful Of Your Tone As with all other online communication, communicating in Facebook is mostly textual. We can neither hear the voice tone nor see the body language when the other person ‘speaks’. In other words, it’s easy for someone to think you are being sarcastic when you are not, or misunderstand you in any other manner for that matter. To complicate things, everyone has their own typing style. One way we can compensate for the lack of cues is to use emoticons. It’s pretty limited, but experience has taught me that a simple smiley face after a sentence can do wonders by neutralizing any potential tension. Smile and the whole world smiles with you :)

Speaking Aussie-Style

Aboriginal = Relates to the indigenous peoples of Australia {Aborigines}
Aerial Ping Pong = Australian Rules Football
Aggie line = French drain
Aggro = Describes someone or something aggressive or aggression.
Air con = Air conditioning/conditioner
Aluminium = Aluminum
Ankle biters = Little children
Arvo = Afternoon
Avo = Short for avocado


Aprinderea unei lumanari este un mic moment de ceremonial, la indemana oricui, prin care puteti regasi linistea si profunzimea meditatiei. Lumanarile au fost folosite in ceremonii si ritualuri spirituale inca din cele mai vechi timpuri in toate culturile popoarelor. Ele combina energia sacra a focului cu vibratia culorilor si cu forta gandului care dedica ritualul aprinderii focului pentru un scop anume. Alegerea culorii si a zilei specifice imprima o vibratie specifica acestui ritual.
Lumanarile insotesc toate ritualurile vietii si mortii (botez, nunta, inmormantare, pomenire), toate sarbatorile spirituale importante (Craciun, Paste), toate ceremoniile religioase, toate momentele festive din viata unui om.
Lumanarea de nunta sau de botez are scopul de a lumina noua cale pe care a pornit cuplul sau copilul nou nascut.
Lumanarile de pe tort au scopul de a celebra varsta implinita, dar si de a lumina anul care vine pentru sarbatorit.
Candela pastreaza vie memoria unei persoane decedate.
Artificiile sunt si ele un simbol magic al lumanarii, extins la nivel macro.
Lumanarile din brad, de altadata, s-au inlocuit cu instalatiile de pom, dar care imita de fapt tot lumina sacra a lumanarii.

Why people avoiding negative people..???

You may never fully understand why negative people act the way they do.
It’s impossible to fully step into another person’s shoes and see life exactly as they see it. Other people have been brought up differently than you, they’ve had different experiences,
There might be a perfectly good reason for why someone is negative, but you might never identify it or fully appreciate it.
When people are negative towards us, it’s a good idea to look inside to identify what thoughts and beliefs we are projecting that are attracting this negativity to us. In this way, dealing with negative people can be a very positive experience.

Egoismul dauneaza relatiei

4 Semne ca te gandesti doar la tine Egoismul este una dintre caracteristicile personale care dauneaza cel mai mult relatiei, dar de cele mai multe ori persoanele egoiste nu recunosc ca pun intotdeauna pe primul plan propriile interese, fara sa le pese de ceea ce se intampla cu ceilalti. Banuiesti ca ai putea avea porniri egoiste fata de partenerul tau de viata? Urmatoarele indicii te-ar putea ajuta sa-ti dai seama daca iti pui singura relatia in pericol

10 Characteristics Of An Asshole

“If you see an asshole in the morning, you saw an asshole in the morning. If you see assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” Below are a list of the characteristics that are commonly attributed to assholes. If you show one or more of these characteristics, don’t worry too much about it, we all do.
What do assholes do?
1. Interrupt People When They Are Talking They jump in, don’t let you get a word in, and always have something to say about everything. If you have an interesting story, they have an even better one. Have something to say? No. Have an opinion? Well its wrong before you’ve even finished explaining it and they’ll tell you why you’re wrong in great detail.
2. Make Terrible/Inappropriate Jokes Their opinion of foreigners leaves you squirming and their foul mouth adds to your feeling of revulsion. Its not funny to make fun of people from other countries all of the time and that potty mouth should have been left in your teens. Assholes have a tendency to be funny but at times can find themselve
3. They Lie We all know when they’re lying about their most recent accomplishment or when they tell you a crazy ‘fisherman’ story. As entertaining as they can be, you know they’re lying about the number of partners they have had, the amount of money they have, and how successful their businesses have been. Just the fact that they’re talking about these things makes them an asshole but because they’re lying, their even more of an asshole.
4. They Touch You Too Much Assholes can be overly touchy. They will slap your back, bear hug you, hold your hand for too long after a hand shake, soft punch you constantly or all of these. The awkwardness causes you physical discomfort everytime.
5. They One Up You Every accomplishment has been outdone by an asshole somewhere, and they’ll tell you as soon as they can. They “one up” every story to appear more accomplished, but instead they come across as extremely ass-holish.
6. They Help Themselves Is there one donut left in the box? The asshole will eat it, and make a point of it too. Is there a bit of milk left? The asshole will finish it and leave the empty carton in the fridge. If an asshole wants something, they’ll take it. The desires of other people are never of any concern to an asshole.
7. They Don’t Pay Their Share They never reach for their wallets when you’re in a group, and if they haven’t disappeared into the bathroom, they didn’t bring enough cash. If you ever buy something for an asshole, don’t expect to get anything in return.
8. They Wear Too Much Cologne You can smell them well before you can see them, and that is not a good thing. Its intoxicating enough for you to notice it in mid conversation, and become so overcome that you can’t concentrate. Its too strong, and you can still smell their bad body odor underneath.
9. They Are Two Faced You never know where you stand when it comes to an asshole. They are living in a self centered world and any opportunity they find to stab you in the back, they’ll take. They don’t understand loyalty and because of that
10. They Don’t Care About Your Life No matter how many times you’ve told them about your family, they will never remember how many kids you have or whether you have any at all. It took them 6 months to remember your name and they still don’t pronounce it right so you can’t expect an asshole to remember anything else you tell them. They only remember what will help them, and your personal life is of no use to them