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10 things that are wrong with the world

This article is my personal opinion, and if you chose to be offended, you have my permission to stew in your own negative energy and ruin your own day.

  1.  OBESITY . People want things done as quickly and effortlessly as possible. The availability and popular use of video games, television, and automobiles prevent people from getting the exercise they need to stay healthy.   
  2.  GLOBAL WARMING Al Gore has brainwashed everyone into thinking there is a global climate crisis  that our greenhouse gas emissions are depleting the o-zone, which will result in rising temperatures, melting polar ice-caps, the sea-level rising, ocean acidification, and an increase in the intensity of natural disasters; essentially the destruction of our earth. Anyone who believes this lobbiest bullshit should be declared legally retarded.  
  3.  COMMERCIALISM Advertising manipulates us into believing we need all of this excess junk to be happy  PHARMACEUTICALS AND ANTI-DRUG CAMPAIGNSPrescription medication can be just as physically and psychologically damaging and addictive as drugs  
  4.  ANTI-TOBACCO Alright, who else is sick of those “ Truth" commercials that try to convince us of the evil of tabacco corperations? Get over it. Smoking and chewing is a personal choice of health and recreation that we all make daily, whether we succumb to eating fast food, taking medication, or polluting our environment.   IGNORANCE No one educates themselves anymore. We accept everything that is fed to us, and no one seems to question why. Practically no one seeks, explores, defies, creates, or thinks outside of the box.  INTERNATIONAL DIALING –So why the difference, why is it that the US and Canada need a different international RATES? In this age of computer driven systems couldn’t we simply get on board with the rest of the world?   
  5.  DRIVING Most of the planet drives on the left hand side of the road but NO the Brit’s Aussie’s,  South Africans a couple of small African countries a few former British colonies in Asia. Anyway it’s foolish that in this day and age we haven’t managed to agree on which side of the road to drive on thus scaring the crap out of me every time I visit these countries. 
  6. LANGUAGE The great barrier to business, travel and moving the planet forward. In the bible as I understand we all started out speaking the same language but God became angry and to force people to learn to get along he instantly had people speaking in different tongues. it’s time to pick a language and reunite as the human race.  
  7. CURRENCY in 50 years maybe we could stop carrying around dozens of envelops and trying to remember the exchange rate or  perhaps we could start thinking about a Western Dollar linking the European and America’s Dollar and an Eastern Dollar hooking up Africa and Asia. Signed : Dorina Ion  

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