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How to Lose Weight with Vitamins - wikiHow
Vitamins are essential to good health. Not only do they supplement your nutritional input when following a low-calorie diet, but they can also increase your metabolism and actively increase your weight loss! It's nice to lose weight, but what's the point if you look washed-out and unhealthy?
The Australian Light Horse Sculpture Parade
The Australian Light Horse Sculpture Parade is dedicated to the heroic troops who served in the Australian Light Horse and their horses that could never return.
During World War II the Australian Light Horse soldiers were based in Western Sydney at a major training camp, then called Wallgrove—beside this interchange linking the M4 Motorway with the Westlink M7. During that war, Lighthorsemen patrolled the main water supply pipeline, which runs through the area.
It is because of this long association that it was decided that the interchange at Eastern Creek should be called the Light Horse Interchange.
During World War II the Australian Light Horse soldiers were based in Western Sydney at a major training camp, then called Wallgrove—beside this interchange linking the M4 Motorway with the Westlink M7. During that war, Lighthorsemen patrolled the main water supply pipeline, which runs through the area.
It is because of this long association that it was decided that the interchange at Eastern Creek should be called the Light Horse Interchange.
NASA, Microsoft Reveal Mars In Pictures -- InformationWeek
A view of Mars taken by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The Orbiter was launched in August 2005 to search the surface of the moon for evidence of the existence of water. It's equipped with a camera and other instrumentation used to analyze and record its scientific findings. The Orbiter's camera is capable of recording objects as small as a dinner plate, as well as gullies, channels, and other surface characteristics that could determine suitability for future landing sites. HiRISE images are taken from an altitude of 125 to 250 miles above the surface of the planet.
Stop smoking cold turkey, what to expect?
- 20 minutes Your blood pressure, pulse rate, and the temperature of your hands and feet will all return to normal.
- 8 hours Remaining nicotine in your bloodstream will have fallen to 6.25% of normal peak daily levels, a 93.25% reduction.
- 12 hours Your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and carbon monoxide levels will have dropped to normal.
- 24 hours Anxieties peak in intensity and within two weeks should return to near pre-cessation levels.
- 48 hours Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal. Cessation anger and irritability peaks.
5 Ways to Focus on Success
Cea mai simpla si mai eficienta modalitate de a castiga bani
Cea mai simpla si mai eficienta modalitate de a castiga bani a zielelor noastre! Produsele viitorului au intrat acum si pe piata din Romania. Nu mai astepta! Fi primul care se alatura echipei noastre chiar azi! Read More:
Ce spune despre tine ziua in care te-ai nascut
Compulsive shopping and spending
People who "shop 'till they drop" and run their credit cards up to the limit often have a shopping addiction.
Compulsive shopping or spending can be a seasonal balm for the depression, anxiety and loneliness during the December holiday season. It also can occur when a person feels depressed, lonely and angry. Shopping and spending will not assure more love, bolster self-esteem, or heal the hurts, regrets, stress, and the problems of daily living. It generally makes these feelings worse because of the increased financial debt the person has obtained from compulsive shopping.
Unusual & Interesting Facts About Australia
- Australia was the second country to give women the right to vote.
- In 1954, Bob Hawke was immortalised by the Guinness Book of Records for sculling 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Bob later became the Prime Minister of Australia.
- Until 1984, Australia's National anthem was "God save the Queen"
- Australia Day (January 26) is the anniversary of ships arriving in Sydney carrying convicts from England.
- In 2007, it was estimated that 22 per cent of living Australians had a convict ancestor.
- Australia's first police force was a band of 12 of the most well behaved Convicts.
- Over 90% of Australia is dry, flat and arid. Almost three-quarters of the land cannot support agriculture in any form.
- A baby kangaroo at the time of its birth measures 2 centimetres.
- Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.
- Box Jellyfish - The Box Jellyfish is considered the world's most venomous marine creature.The Box Jellyfish has killed more people in Australia than stonefish, sharks and crocodiles combined.
- Four out of 10 Australians are migrants or the first-generation children of migrants.
- The day of the Melbourne Cup (a horse race!) is a public holiday in Melbourne.
- Dropbears - Dropbears are an evil species of koala that fall from trees and attack humans. This evil strain of koala doesn't actually exist. The story was created to fool Americans.
Aussie Slang
Australia has its own unique culture and language, Australian language is filled with slang words and phrases. There are thousands and thousands of slang words in the Australian language to see them all, visit Aussie Slang Dictionary. Only the general slang words are shown here.
G'day: Hello or hey and is a shortened form of Good Day
Bloke: An Australian male.
Mate: A friend, usually a male. Often combined with G'day.
Ambo: Ambulance or ambulance driver.
Barbie: Barbeque or BBQ.
Bogan: Someone that spends most of thier time drinking beer and doesnt care about thier appearance and often slacks off.
Bottle-o: Liquor store.
Down Under: Australia and/or New Zealand
Dunny: Toilet, usually outside.
Fair Dinkum: True or genuine
Maccas: McDonalds
Outback: Australia's country towns and areas.
XXXX: Brand of beer.
G'day: Hello or hey and is a shortened form of Good Day
Bloke: An Australian male.
Mate: A friend, usually a male. Often combined with G'day.
Ambo: Ambulance or ambulance driver.
Barbie: Barbeque or BBQ.
Bogan: Someone that spends most of thier time drinking beer and doesnt care about thier appearance and often slacks off.
Bottle-o: Liquor store.
Down Under: Australia and/or New Zealand
Dunny: Toilet, usually outside.
Fair Dinkum: True or genuine
Maccas: McDonalds
Outback: Australia's country towns and areas.
XXXX: Brand of beer.
What you should do to pass the time?
You never know if you are bored until you've tried these websites:
1. - one of the best free gaming websites that I have seen to date on the internet. There are HUNDREDS of fast, easy, and fun games that one can play on this site.
2. - This website is the best way that I have found to pass the time away. All you have to do is have a desire to help other people out with their questions and that's all you have to do :) Pretty fun and easy :)
3. - This is one of the best ways that I have found for somebody like you to keep in contacts with all of their real life friends, and it is a really fun place to be. This is definitely one of the better sites to waste some time on :)
4. - If you like journaling, then you will absolutely LOVE this site! This site gives you your own journal as well as the means to write in it and say exactly what you want. Other people can see your blog and it is one of the better blog sites out there :)
5. - If you like playing online games, then this site is another good gaming site that also has in-game chat with lots of other people.
6. - This site has hundreds of thousands of videos that you can watch to whittle away the time that you have on the Internet. There are many great videos on this site that can really capture your attention.
7. - This MMORPG has hundreds of thousands of players playing it simultaneously, and it has a lot of content, which means you won't get bored fairly easy. Registration is needed, but is free :).
8. - This MMORPG has literally millions of players that play it, has an amazing amount of content, has a great support system, and is very fun to play with your friends :D. Registration is needed, which is free, and a massive download is also required, but is also free. Only choose this option if your Internet is fast enough to download a 1.078GB file!
Other things you can do:
Read a book
Solve a sudoku puzzle
Solve a crossword puzzle
Take a nap
Take a walk
Call some friends over and watch a movie together.
Watch television
Call some friends over and play video games
Call some friends over and play board games
Call some friends over and play truth or dare.
Go bowling.
Go to a movie theatre and watch a movie.
Compulsory voting
Arguments used in favor of compulsory voting: ·
Voting is a civic duty comparable to other duties citizens perform (e.g. taxation, compulsory education, or jury duty). ·
- Parliament reflects more accurately the "will of the electorate." ·
- Governments must consider the total electorate in policy formulation and management. ·
- Candidates can concentrate their campaigning energies on issues rather than encouraging voters to attend the poll. ·
- The voter isn't actually compelled to vote for anyone because voting is by secret ballot.
Arguments used against compulsory voting: ·
- It is undemocratic to force people to vote - an infringement of liberty. ·
- The "ignorant" and those with little interest in politics are forced to the polls. ·
- It may increase the number of "donkey votes" (bad votes that don't get counted). ·
- It may increase the number of informal votes (ballot papers which are not marked according to the rules for voting). ·
- It increases the number of safe, single-member electorates - political parties then concentrate on the more marginal electorates. ·
- Resources must be allocated to determine whether those who failed to vote have "valid and sufficient" reasons
Datini, obiceiuri si superstitii Romanesti
- Samedru – un sfant care hotarniceste timpul In calendarul popular romanesc, Samedru (Sfantul Dimitrie Izvoratorul de Mir) impreuna cu Sangeroz (Sfantul Gheorghe) sunt considerati drept sfinti care hotarnicesc...
- Traditii de Sfantul Ilie In credinta populara, Sfantul Ilie apare ca cel ce stapaneste fulgerele si ploile. Ilie este
- Poarta maramureseana Poarta maramureseana este unul dintre simbolurile cele mai de pret ale Maramuresului. Portile de lemn ale gospodariilor traditionale din Maramures sunt situate indeosebi...
- Arta prelucrarii lemnului Arta prelucrarii lemnului - Lemnul, a constituit secole de-a randul principala materie prima a romanilor, fiind folosit pentru constructiile gospodaresti sau la...
- Noaptea de Sanziene Sanzienele sunt sarbatorite pe 24 iunie, ziua in care se face pomenirea nasterii Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul. In calendarul popular, ziua de 24 iunie este cunoscuta si...
- Sarbatoarea graului de Sfantul Vartolomeu In calendarul popular, Sarbatoarea Graului este prezenta in ziua de praznuire a Sfantului Vartolomeu, in data de 11iunie. Sfantul Vartolomeu a fost unul dintre cei...
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- Rusaliile - Obiceiuri de Rusalii Duminica Rusaliilor sau Duminica Pogorarii Duhului Sfant, mai este numita si Duminica Cincizecimii, pentru ca acest eveniment a avut loc la cincizeci de zile de la...
- Mestesuguri traditionale - Olaritul Olaritul reprezinta un mestesug traditional pe care noi romanii il mostenim din adancul timpurilor. Mestesugul olaritului folosea in primul rand in alimentatie, dar...
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- Obiceiuri de Ignat Sarbatoarea din 20 decembrie, inchinata Sfantului Ignatie al Antiohiei, este cunoscuta in popor sub denumirea de Ignatul porcilor sau Inatoarea. Se crede ca in noaptea...
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- Traditii si obiceiuri la moarte In sistemul de credinte si mituri romanesti moartea este vazuta ca o "mare calatorie", ca o mare trecere", ca un "drum" pe care "dalbul de pribeag" il face "din lumea cu...
- Paparuda Paparuda reprezinta denumirea cea mai raspandita a ritului magic de "provocare a ploilor aducatoare de belsug", practicat pe timp de seceta, si ocupa un loc distinct...
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You cannot sue God
You cannot sue God... he has no known address !
An American politician's attempt to sue God has been thrown out of court after a judge ruled the suit could not be served because the Almighty has an unlisted address.
Ernie Chambers, a Nebraska state senator, sought a "permanent injunction" that ordered God to stop causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".
The suit listed examples of God's wrath including "fearsome floods, horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, famine, genocidal wars, birth defects, terrifying tornadoes and the like".
It identified the defendant, said to be "also known by various aliases, titles, names, designations" as "present in all places at the same time" and "the admitted perpetrator of the deleterious acts complained of herein". The suit also claimed the "defendant" has "manifested neither compassion nor remorse, proclaiming that Defendant 'will laugh' when calamity comes". Mr Chambers, of Omaha, has said he filed the lawsuit not because of any conflict with God but to make the point that everyone should access to the courts.
It was response to proposals to prohibit the filing of lawsuits deemed too frivolous to be heard. The senator argued that laws should not restrict lawsuits and the courts should be open to all. "The Constitution requires that the courthouse doors be open, so you cannot prohibit the filing of suits," he said after he filed his suit last September. "Anyone can sue anyone they choose, even God." He also argued that because of God's omnipresence, "the defendant is personally present in Douglas County (Nebraska)." But Marlon Polk, Douglas County district court judge, ruled that under state law, a plaintiff must have access to the defendant and be able to serve papers on him or her for a lawsuit to go ahead. "Given that this court finds that there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed with prejudice," the judge wrote.
Mr Chambers, 71, Nebraska's longest serving state senator who has been dubbed "defender of the downtrodden" and the "maverick of Omaha", disagreed with the judge's ruling. "The court itself acknowledges the existence of God," he said. "A consequence of that acknowledgment is a recognition of God's omniscience."
Therefore, "since God knows everything, God has notice of this lawsuit", he added.
The senator, an independent, has served a record 38 years in the Nebraska Legislature and will not return next year because of term limits. According to the Associated Press, the self-proclaimed agnostic skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticises Christians He has 30 days to decide whether to appeal the ruling.
An American politician's attempt to sue God has been thrown out of court after a judge ruled the suit could not be served because the Almighty has an unlisted address.
Ernie Chambers, a Nebraska state senator, sought a "permanent injunction" that ordered God to stop causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".
The suit listed examples of God's wrath including "fearsome floods, horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, famine, genocidal wars, birth defects, terrifying tornadoes and the like".
It identified the defendant, said to be "also known by various aliases, titles, names, designations" as "present in all places at the same time" and "the admitted perpetrator of the deleterious acts complained of herein". The suit also claimed the "defendant" has "manifested neither compassion nor remorse, proclaiming that Defendant 'will laugh' when calamity comes". Mr Chambers, of Omaha, has said he filed the lawsuit not because of any conflict with God but to make the point that everyone should access to the courts.
It was response to proposals to prohibit the filing of lawsuits deemed too frivolous to be heard. The senator argued that laws should not restrict lawsuits and the courts should be open to all. "The Constitution requires that the courthouse doors be open, so you cannot prohibit the filing of suits," he said after he filed his suit last September. "Anyone can sue anyone they choose, even God." He also argued that because of God's omnipresence, "the defendant is personally present in Douglas County (Nebraska)." But Marlon Polk, Douglas County district court judge, ruled that under state law, a plaintiff must have access to the defendant and be able to serve papers on him or her for a lawsuit to go ahead. "Given that this court finds that there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed with prejudice," the judge wrote.
Mr Chambers, 71, Nebraska's longest serving state senator who has been dubbed "defender of the downtrodden" and the "maverick of Omaha", disagreed with the judge's ruling. "The court itself acknowledges the existence of God," he said. "A consequence of that acknowledgment is a recognition of God's omniscience."
Therefore, "since God knows everything, God has notice of this lawsuit", he added.
The senator, an independent, has served a record 38 years in the Nebraska Legislature and will not return next year because of term limits. According to the Associated Press, the self-proclaimed agnostic skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticises Christians He has 30 days to decide whether to appeal the ruling.
Quit Smoking Cold Turkey
It can be very difficult to quit smoking cold turkey, but it doesn't cost a thing and you can start today!
But "cold turkey." is the hardest ways to quit smoking?
I was able to quit "cold turkey," picking a day to smoke my last cigarette and vowing never to smoke again. When the decision to quit smoking comes suddenly, an important mental hurdle is throwing out that last pack of cigarettes. It's more helpful to some people to be able to remind themselves that they chose to throw the cigarettes away and never look back; this mental advantage isn't present for smokers who decide to quit smoking when the last pack is gone.
Nicotine Withdrawal
Quitting cold turkey can be very difficult, especially for people who have been smoking more cigarettes for a long period of time, because nicotine withdrawal can be a very unpleasant thing. What are some of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal? they are:
- Irritability
- Intense craving for cigarettes
- Insomnia
- Tiredness
- Headaches
- Tension
- Problems concentrating
- Increased appetite
- Weight gain
Increased appetite and weight gain are important to note, because they are especially troubling to many people who are trying to quit smoking. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant, so it is hard for the body to adjust to a normal level of appetite. In general, though, the positive health effects of quitting smoking far outweigh the negative health effects of gaining a few extra pounds.
The important thing to remember is that the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal decrease over time. If you can make it through the early days of quitting cold turkey, it will get easier to avoid picking up cigarette smoking again as time goes by.
Tips for Cold Turkey Success
Keeping all of this in mind, there are some things you can do to make the cold turkey method easier on yourself, and make it less likely to start smoking again.
- One thing you need to do is to drink plenty of water.
- Not only will drinking water keep you hydrated and give you something to do with your mouth instead of puffing on a cigarette, but it will help your body flush the impurities out of your system faster.
- Keep your mouth busy.
- Chewing sugarless gum or sucking on hard candy will keep your mouth busy when you start feeling the need to smoke.
- Sucking on a lollipop or chewing on a straw or a pen will also give you something to hold onto if you need to keep your hands busy as well as your mouth.
- When a craving hits, try closing your eyes and counting to ten while taking some deep breaths. If that doesn't work, take a walk to get yourself away from temptation.
- If all else fails, call a friend, relative, co-worker, or a smoker's help line.
- Get some outside support to remind you of all the reasons why you decided to quit in the first place: your health, your family, your finances, your appearance, etc.
- Or talk about anything but smoking to divert your attention until the urge to smoke passes.
10 things that are wrong with the world
This article is my personal opinion, and if you chose to be offended, you have my permission to stew in your own negative energy and ruin your own day.
- OBESITY . People want things done as quickly and effortlessly as possible. The availability and popular use of video games, television, and automobiles prevent people from getting the exercise they need to stay healthy.
- GLOBAL WARMING Al Gore has brainwashed everyone into thinking there is a global climate crisis that our greenhouse gas emissions are depleting the o-zone, which will result in rising temperatures, melting polar ice-caps, the sea-level rising, ocean acidification, and an increase in the intensity of natural disasters; essentially the destruction of our earth. Anyone who believes this lobbiest bullshit should be declared legally retarded.
- COMMERCIALISM Advertising manipulates us into believing we need all of this excess junk to be happy PHARMACEUTICALS AND ANTI-DRUG CAMPAIGNSPrescription medication can be just as physically and psychologically damaging and addictive as drugs
- ANTI-TOBACCO Alright, who else is sick of those “ Truth" commercials that try to convince us of the evil of tabacco corperations? Get over it. Smoking and chewing is a personal choice of health and recreation that we all make daily, whether we succumb to eating fast food, taking medication, or polluting our environment. IGNORANCE No one educates themselves anymore. We accept everything that is fed to us, and no one seems to question why. Practically no one seeks, explores, defies, creates, or thinks outside of the box. INTERNATIONAL DIALING –So why the difference, why is it that the US and Canada need a different international RATES? In this age of computer driven systems couldn’t we simply get on board with the rest of the world?
- DRIVING Most of the planet drives on the left hand side of the road but NO the Brit’s Aussie’s, South Africans a couple of small African countries a few former British colonies in Asia. Anyway it’s foolish that in this day and age we haven’t managed to agree on which side of the road to drive on thus scaring the crap out of me every time I visit these countries.
- LANGUAGE The great barrier to business, travel and moving the planet forward. In the bible as I understand we all started out speaking the same language but God became angry and to force people to learn to get along he instantly had people speaking in different tongues. it’s time to pick a language and reunite as the human race.
- CURRENCY in 50 years maybe we could stop carrying around dozens of envelops and trying to remember the exchange rate or perhaps we could start thinking about a Western Dollar linking the European and America’s Dollar and an Eastern Dollar hooking up Africa and Asia. Signed : Dorina Ion
Imagine a world without Romania.
There are few that know little about Romania, however I bet you didn’t know about all the inventions that came from Romania. Check out the video and imagine a world without Romania.
click here to see more:
NBN Needs Tough Rules to Reduce Digital Divide
The National Broadband Network risks contributing further to the digital divide if tough rules regarding fair treatment and financial hardship are not ensured according the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN).
ACCAN CEO Teresa Corbin says 14% of the population aged 14 years and older currently do not have access to the Internet in their home or on their mobile phones, of which 42% reported that having Internet at home was simply too expensive.
Corbin says there has not been a credible discussion on affordability, because there has been no recognition of the difference between cheaper and affordable.
Corbin was speaking at the ACCAN national conference held in Sydney over September 7-8 titled Our Broadband Future.
Currently, Telstra has a legislative responsibility to provide a landline telephone to any Australian who wants one in their home. However, Corbin says it is unclear whether there will be any similar legislation regarding fair treatment and financial hardship around the NBN, or whether the market will be left to decide.
Opening the conference, the Minister for Communications, Steven Conroy said the broadband network will enhance the lives of all Australians who will be able to participate in the digital economy and reap its rewards.
However, Teresa Corbin says that even if there are almost perfect levels of competition that any economist would be happy with, the market will not deliver a level of affordability that will allow every Australian to have access to a broadband service, which is a problem, because internet access is no longer a luxury that is handy to have if you’ve got the money, it is essential.
Communications spokesman for the Australian Greens, Senator Scott Ludlum says he is unashamedly a supporter of the NBN, but warned that it needed to be kept publicly owned.
It’s future proof, built for technologies that haven’t even been invented yet, says Ludlum, and it’s important that a network is put together that will take Australia into the 21st century rather than leave a legacy.
However, the Shadow Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull says that the NBN is a bad deal for tax payers and a bad deal for consumers.
He says Internet prices have come down because of competition, then $50 billion or more of tax payer dollars is spent to build a new government monopoly and eliminate competition and that will see prices going up, so the Internet will become less affordable, rather than more affordable.
Corbin says that ACCAN does not have a position on the different party’s communications policies, but that their role is just to represent the consumers.
The NBN has already begun rolling out across Tasmania and is in the process of being introduced in the mainland. The Federal Government will be undertaking a public information and education campaign to inform Australians about how the network will be built and what steps will need to be taken to migrate across.
Less Affordable Australian Housing
Housing has become the biggest cost of living issue all over Australia and there is a significant crisis, according to a coalition of national housing, welfare and community sector organisations to highlight the problem of housing affordability in Australia The Australians for Affordable Housing (AAH) is a new campaign to challenge Australian governments to address housing affordability. AAH’s analysis: Australia’s broken housing system released today reveals the dire state of the Australian housing market for those trying to secure affordable housing.
In Queensland, for instance, housing costs are both the biggest item in household budgets and the fastest increasing cost – having increased 67 per cent in Brisbane over the last six years.
AAH spokesperson, Sarah Toohey said that in Brisbane it is becoming harder and harder to secure affordable housing as it now takes 6.7 times annual average income to afford the median house up from 4.5 times in 2001.
In the last ten years house prices have risen by 147 per cent while incomes have risen by only 57 per cent and in the last five years rents have risen at twice the rate of inflation,” said Ms Toohey.
“Australian households are paying more than they can afford for housing, with over 740,000 renters and more than 380,000 mortgaged home owners reporting significant financial stress.
“Despite significant investment in recent years, there is less public and community housing properties now than there was in 2003.
“Housing stress affects renters, first time buyers and home-owners. The Queensland housing system is failing too many people and successive government policy settings have contributed to this failure.
The AAH is calling on the state governments to commit to working with federal and local governments to solve this crisis.
“It’s time for a new approach, to develop a concrete plan to fix our housing system,” said Ms Toohey
Murphy's bywords
Trust everybody ... then cut the cards.
Two wrongs are only the beginning.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.
Exceptions prove the rule ... and wreck the budget.
Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.
Quality assurance dosen't.
The tough part of a Data Processing Manager's job is that users don't really know what they want, but they know for certain what they don't want.
Ce spune numele tau despre tine
Te-ai gandit vreodata ca numele tau ascunde mai multe secrete decat ti-ai fi imaginat? Cum ti-au ales ai tai numele si ce inseamna el nu iti putem spune. Insa te putem ajuta sa descifrezi ce spune numarul, ce il reprezinta numele tau, despre tine.
Iti amintesti cum te jucai cu numerele cand erai mica? Daca da, atunci pregateste-te sa numeri. Ia o foaie de hartie sau un nou document word. Fiecare litera a alfabetului reprezinta o cifra, dupa modelul A=1, B=2, C=3,D=4, etc.
ANA= 1(A) + 14 (N) + 1(A) Suma literelor e 16, insa trebuie sa ajungi la un numar de la 1 la 9, asa ca vei aduna 1+6, cifra finala 7 iti va spune ce calitati atrage numele tau.
Ia incearca! Spor la calculat, trucul se aplica si pentru numele persoanei iubite!
ANA= 1(A) + 14 (N) + 1(A) Suma literelor e 16, insa trebuie sa ajungi la un numar de la 1 la 9, asa ca vei aduna 1+6, cifra finala 7 iti va spune ce calitati atrage numele tau.
Ia incearca! Spor la calculat, trucul se aplica si pentru numele persoanei iubite!
Numarul 1: Ai o personalitate intreprinzatoare si entuziasta. Iti place sa incepi proiecte noi, pentru ca ele iti dau senzatia ca ai un scop si poti spera in mai bine.
Esti o persoana curajoasa si extrem de deschisa inovatiilor, chiar daca tii si la trecutul tau. Personalitatea ta nu cunoaste ezitarea, asa ca tot inainte!
Numarul 2: Ai o personalitate misterioasa si determinata. Iti place sa ii asculti si sa ii sustii pe ceilalti. Ai un caracter placut, desi acest lucru nu se observa de la primele intalniri. Iti place sa lucrezi cu ceilalti si sa ii sustii in ceea ce intreprind.
Actiunile solitare nu te reprezinta, pentru ca tu esti deschisa spre oameni si adori colaborarile. Felul in care ii intelegi pe cei din jurul tau te va transforma intr-o persoana deosebit de sociabila si placuta.
Numarul 3: Ai o personalitate sclipitoare si voioasa. Iti place sa vorbesti, sa schimbi idei, sa comunici in orice mod posibil. Pentru tine viata e un sir neintrerupt de contacte cu cei de langa tine si cei departe de tine.
Ai nevoie de miscare si de creatuvitate neingradita. Lumea ta este deschisa imaginatiei si artei. Insa cel mai mult iti place sa te distrezi si sa oferi totul celorlalti.
Esti o persoana curajoasa si extrem de deschisa inovatiilor, chiar daca tii si la trecutul tau. Personalitatea ta nu cunoaste ezitarea, asa ca tot inainte!
Numarul 2: Ai o personalitate misterioasa si determinata. Iti place sa ii asculti si sa ii sustii pe ceilalti. Ai un caracter placut, desi acest lucru nu se observa de la primele intalniri. Iti place sa lucrezi cu ceilalti si sa ii sustii in ceea ce intreprind.
Actiunile solitare nu te reprezinta, pentru ca tu esti deschisa spre oameni si adori colaborarile. Felul in care ii intelegi pe cei din jurul tau te va transforma intr-o persoana deosebit de sociabila si placuta.
Numarul 3: Ai o personalitate sclipitoare si voioasa. Iti place sa vorbesti, sa schimbi idei, sa comunici in orice mod posibil. Pentru tine viata e un sir neintrerupt de contacte cu cei de langa tine si cei departe de tine.
Ai nevoie de miscare si de creatuvitate neingradita. Lumea ta este deschisa imaginatiei si artei. Insa cel mai mult iti place sa te distrezi si sa oferi totul celorlalti.
Numarul 4: Ai o personalitate activa si organizata. Ai un simt al responsabilitatii extrem de dezvoltat, oamenii pot conta pe tine si te vor numi deseori ca lider. Stii cum sa abordezi situatiile extrem de dificile si te faci placuta sefilor.
Esti logica si dereminata. Asa ca fie vei fi admirata, fie invidiata! Nu te temi de munca si alegi sa te implici in proiecte variate.
Numarul 5: Ai o personalitate vesela si vivace. Iti plac placerile vietii si, mai presus de orice, calatoriile. Tot ceea ce e nou te captiveaza si te motiveaza. Esti extrem de curioasa.
In relatiile cu ceilalti profiti la maximum de farmecul tau personal. Esti o persoana extrem de sociabila, suscitand interes celor din jur.
Numarul 6: Ai o personalitate compusa si orientata spre relatii. Iti place sa fii mereu in contact cu ceilalti si posezi un simt al armoniei. Cu sufletul unui diplomat, ai un adevarat dar in a crea si reinnoi relatii.
Te temi de conflicte si esti alarmata de vocile stridente. Incurajezi comportamentul prietenos si esti foarte atasata de familia ta. Esti o romantica incurabila si esti mandra de asta.
Numarul 7: Ai o personalitate independenta si temerara. Iti place sa crezi ca iti poti schimba singura destinul si incerci pe cat posibil sa influentezi viitorul. Ai un caracter imprevizibil si un temperament ce nu poate trece neobservat.
Iti place cand reusesti sa iti impui punctul de vedere si cand proiectele tale sunt un succes desavarsit. Cel mai important lucru pentru tine ramane libertatea, fara de care... nu poti trai.
Numarul 8: Ai o personalitate echilibrata si meticuloasa. Iti place ordinea si frumusetea. Cauti armonia si stii cum sa o obtii. Esti atenta la detalii si lumea finantelor te atrage.
Ai un adevarat dar pentru numere si contabilitate. Esti corecta cu prietenii tai si ai tendinta sa acorzi sanse egale chiar si celor care nu merita.
Numarul 9: Ai o personalitate profunda si filozofica. Iti place sa studiezi si sa intelegi lumea din jurul tau. Esti foarte inteligenta si prietenii tai vor conta pe sfaturile tale.
Nu te implici usor, dar cand o faci nimic nu iti poate sta in cale. Iti place sa iti petreci timpul singura, iar meditatia e una dintre placerile tale. Esti inclinata spre viziuni si stiinte oculte.
Esti logica si dereminata. Asa ca fie vei fi admirata, fie invidiata! Nu te temi de munca si alegi sa te implici in proiecte variate.
Numarul 5: Ai o personalitate vesela si vivace. Iti plac placerile vietii si, mai presus de orice, calatoriile. Tot ceea ce e nou te captiveaza si te motiveaza. Esti extrem de curioasa.
In relatiile cu ceilalti profiti la maximum de farmecul tau personal. Esti o persoana extrem de sociabila, suscitand interes celor din jur.
Numarul 6: Ai o personalitate compusa si orientata spre relatii. Iti place sa fii mereu in contact cu ceilalti si posezi un simt al armoniei. Cu sufletul unui diplomat, ai un adevarat dar in a crea si reinnoi relatii.
Te temi de conflicte si esti alarmata de vocile stridente. Incurajezi comportamentul prietenos si esti foarte atasata de familia ta. Esti o romantica incurabila si esti mandra de asta.
Numarul 7: Ai o personalitate independenta si temerara. Iti place sa crezi ca iti poti schimba singura destinul si incerci pe cat posibil sa influentezi viitorul. Ai un caracter imprevizibil si un temperament ce nu poate trece neobservat.
Iti place cand reusesti sa iti impui punctul de vedere si cand proiectele tale sunt un succes desavarsit. Cel mai important lucru pentru tine ramane libertatea, fara de care... nu poti trai.
Numarul 8: Ai o personalitate echilibrata si meticuloasa. Iti place ordinea si frumusetea. Cauti armonia si stii cum sa o obtii. Esti atenta la detalii si lumea finantelor te atrage.
Ai un adevarat dar pentru numere si contabilitate. Esti corecta cu prietenii tai si ai tendinta sa acorzi sanse egale chiar si celor care nu merita.
Numarul 9: Ai o personalitate profunda si filozofica. Iti place sa studiezi si sa intelegi lumea din jurul tau. Esti foarte inteligenta si prietenii tai vor conta pe sfaturile tale.
Nu te implici usor, dar cand o faci nimic nu iti poate sta in cale. Iti place sa iti petreci timpul singura, iar meditatia e una dintre placerile tale. Esti inclinata spre viziuni si stiinte oculte.
De vrei sa intri in viata, pazeste poruncile
Orice om sanatos la minte isi pune intrebari referitoare la obarsia tuturor lucrurilor, la sensul existentei sale
si la scopul final pe care trebuie sa-l urmareasca.
„Dieu on rien“ – Dumnezeu sau nimic
De multe ori cei ce se declara necredinciosi de fapt isi impun sa creada ca nu este Dumnezeu pentru a-si
trai viata in neoranduiala si fara nici o cenzura morala.
Fara Dumnezeu, fara credinta, omul devine un animal rational care vine de nicaieri si merge spre nicaieri.
Altfel spus a fi sau mai degraba a deveni om, inseamna a fi religios. Adica a fi om inseamna a crede.
Dumnezeu se descopera nu unei minti ascutite ci unei inimi curate.
Omul se inalta prin spirit si coboara prin simturi.
Toti oamenii au trup si suflet dar nu toti au Duhul Sfant de la Sf. Botez pentru ca nu-l pastreaza prin credinta
si fapte bune.
Sf. Pavel zice: “Nu tulburati Duhul care este in voi de la Botez prin gandurile si faptele cele rele sau prin
vorbele cele spurcate.”
Nu trece cu vederea cuvintele inteleptilor, ci indeletniceste-te cu pildele lor.
Pune-ti nadejdea in Dumnezeu din toata inima si nu bizui pe priceperea ta.
Nostradamus Despre Romania
In 100 de catrene, Nostradamus a prezis evenimentele care aveau sa se intample p
ana in anul 3797. Pentru ca profanii sa nu le poata intelege, el si-a redactat o
racolele folosind modalitatile sintaxei latine, cu inversiuni, antiteze, anagram
e (Rapis pentru Paris, Nersaf pentru Franta, Norlaris pentru Loreni etc.), calam
bururi (Dort-léans pentru Orléans), metafore, cuvinte celtice, romane, spaniole,
latine, grecesti si ebraice.
Interpretarile Centuriilor
Unul dintre cei mai importanti interpreti ai profetiilor lui Nostradamus a fost
Vlaicu Ionescu, un roman emigrat in anii 1960 in SUA. Acesta a incercat sa demon
streze ca Nostradamus ar fi prevazut, printre altele, caderea regimului comunist
, dezmembrarea Uniunii Sovietice, precum si puciul de la Moscova in 1991. Aceste
interpretari au fost publicate in mai multe carti cu mult inainte de a se intam
pla, fapt ce i-a sporit lui Vlaicu Ionescu credibilitatea. S-a sustinut ca Nostr
adamus a prezis masacrul din noaptea Sfantului Bartolomeu a anului 1572, incendi
ul Londrei din 1667, instituirea Premiului Nobel, criza economica din 1929-1933,
o intalnire Hitler-Franco-Mussolini, revolutia din Ungaria din 1956, asasinarea
fratilor Kennedy, razboiul din Golful Persic, caderea comunismului si sfarsitul
lumii, atentie, in anul 3755, dupa altii, 3797. Nu este data explicita a parjol
irii planetei, ci doar presupusa data a incheierii previziunilor sale.
Nostradamus si-a prezis propria moarte
Deosebit de limpede este prezicerea de catre Nostradamus a propriei sale morti r
egasita in mai multe catrene. De obicei, exprimarea sa este impersonala, dar int
r-unul din catrene, el trece dramatic la persoana intai:
,,Intors din misiune, dar al regelui, tinut in loc, nu va mai face nimic. Se va
intoarce la Dumnezeu. Prietenii mei apropiati si cei din sangele meu. Ma vor gas
i mort intre pat si masa de lucru."
Nostradamus a fost gasit exact in locul indicat de el unde, incercand pesemne sa
se ridice din pat, a cazut in noaptea de 1 spre 2 iulie 1566.
Romania, limita a frontului estic
Norneigre, Dacia si Insula Britanica vor fi atacate de fratii cei uniti.
Un cap la Roma nascut din sange Galic.
Si armatele lor vor fi respinse pana la paduri.
Aici este vorba de operatia numita "metaplasma": din doua nume se ia cate o part
e, se pun laolalta si se formeaza un nou termen, care exprima sinteza primelor d
Intelesul catrenului se deseneaza cu claritate limitele pana la care au ajuns Pu
terile Centrale, in Primul Razboi Mondial, pe cele trei fronturi: la apus Anglia
, la sud Italia si regiunea nordica a Iugoslaviei, iar la rasarit Romania.
Marile raiduri din 1944
Patruzeci si cinci de grade cerul va arde
Focul se va apropia de marea cetate noua:
Intr-o clipa, flacari mari vor izbucni si se vor intinde,
Atunci cand se va planui sa fie pusi la incercare cei din Normandia.
Orasul Ploiesti e indicat aici prin paralela 45, care trece, intr- adevar, cu o
mare precizie pe langa aceasta localitate. Nici un alt oras de o anumita insemna
tate din Europa nu se afla pe aceasta paralela.
Al doilea vers ne spune ca focul bombardamentelor se va apropia de "marea cetate
noua". Expresia se potriveste bine cu cetatea lui Bucur, care e una din cele ma
i recente capitale din Europa. Ea devine capitala doar dupa ce, la 1600 (un seco
l dupa moartea lui Nostradamus), Targoviste e distrus de turci.
Sa remarcam acum exactitatea datelor acestui catren. Avioanele anglo-americane a
u bombardat, intr-adevar, mai intai Ploiesti, pentru a cobori apoi spre Bucurest
i, unde au bombardat Gara de Nord: "Focul se va apropia de marea cetate noua".
Al treilea vers arata cum incendiul a izbucnit deodata (instant) si cum s-a inti
ns subit pe o mare intindere (flamme esparse sautera).
In sfarsit, pentru a nu ramane nici o indoiala asupra circumstantelor istorice a
le acestor atacuri, ultimul vers ne spune ca acestea se vor face cand se va plan
ui tentativa din Normandia. Si intr-adevar, dupa cum am aratat, suprimarea surse
i de petrol romanesc a fost printre principalele masuri strategice care trebuiau
sa preceada invazia din Normandia.
Invazia sovietica din august 1944
Insula franca va fi poluata de Arnani,
Banda nesfarsita prin muntele Adrian:
Raul va fi trecut Hutin prin pod de plute,
Vor intra Bayonne toti strigand "Bichoro".
Romania, aceasta insula latina izolata in oceanul slav (isle franque), va fi int
inata si profanata (tholoser) de sovietici (Arnani=Nanari), acesti descedenti ai
prostitutiei revolutionare comuniste.
Hoardele nesfarsite (bande infinite) vor trece muntii Transilvaniei, tintind cat
re Germania de rasarit si Austria, regiunea muntilor unde s-a nascut Hitler (par
le mont Adrian).
Ele vor trece Nistrul (passer rivière) pe la Hotin (Hutin) printr-un pod de barc
i si scanduri (par pont la planque) si vor intra ca intr-o tara inamica, cu baio
netele trase (bayonné entrer) si cu strigatul de lupta: "catre Bucuresti!" (tous
Bichoro criant).
Romania Mare si drama Regelui Mihai
In anul cand fratii crinului vor fi in varsta,
Unul dintre ei va detine Romania Mare:
Muntii sai se vor cutremura, trecerea Latina fiind deschisa,
Mahnit va fi pentru a fi admis marsul contra puternicului din Armenia.
Se stie ca intre dinastiile din Europa se stabilisera legaturi de rudenie in cur
sul secolelor. Astfel, Casa de Hohenzollern poate fi privita ca sora a Capetieni
lor, ea insasi de origine germanica si indicata in catren prin semnul ei heraldi
c: crinul.
Iata cum confirmarea acestei interpretari data printr-o enigma pe cat de ingenio
asa, pe atat de neasteptata. Ea e continuta in expresia "ouvers Latin passage".
Ceea ce ne-a sugerat ca e vorba de un joc de cuvinte este schimbarea lui "t" fin
al din "ouvert" in "s" si, de asemenea, faptul ca "latin" e scris cu litera mare
, sugerand un nume propriu. Se vede astfel ca e vorba de o scurta anagrama: -s L
Dar iata ca o noua confirmare ni se prezinta in ultimul vers. Aici Stalin e numi
t "fort d’Arménie", e o varianta a expresiei "le grand duc d’Arménie", cum e num
it in extraordinarul catren V-94, a carui solutie in extenso se afla in paginile
504-510 din prima noastra lucrare (1976) si la paginile 303-310 ale celeilalte
In sfarsit, ni se spune ca regele Mihai va fi "faché" (suparat), ceea ce in limb
ajul nostradamian implica o grea lovitura sau o nenorocire. Mihai a fost obligat
, dupa cum se stie, sa abdice, de catre Stalin in 1947, dupa ce el este cel care
, impotriva planului lui Antonescu, rupe alianta cu Germania si lasa libera trec
erea fortelor sovietice prin tara. Faptul de a fi participat la agresiunea lui H
itler impotriva Uniunii Sovietice nu i s-a iertat totusi. Faptul de a fi "marche
r contre fort d’Arménie" a fost, dupa profet, cauza caderii sale.
Stalin si teroarea PCR
Toti aderentii care vor fi sustinut partidul
In favoarea celui al carui nume va fi dur si taios,
vor fi condamnati la moarte, striviti si distrusi.
Bunurile le vor fi luate prin confiscari publice,
pauperizare generala,
Niciodata poporul roman nu va fi fost atat de ultragiat.
Majoritatea aderentilor care vor fi sustinut "Partidul": aservit lui Stalin (qui
auront tenu party pour Rude en lèttres) vor fi condamnati la moarte (mis mort)
si exterminati in inchisori si lagare de munca (saccagés).
Mai toate valorile vor fi distruse (grand neanty) si toate posesiile vor fi conf
iscate si "nationalizate" (biens publiés par fisc).
Niciodata in trecutul sau poporul roman nu va fi fost atat de umilit si urgisit
(onc Romain peuple ne fut tant outragé).
Colapsul blocului socialist dupa 1989
Inainte de conflict marele zid va cadea,
Un cap de stat va fi dat mortii, o moarte prea subita si deplansa.
Noul nascut semi-perfect: caci majoritatea va inota:
Aproape de fluviu, pamantul va fi patat de sange.
Inaintea conflictului dintre seful reformator din Moscova si Ceausescu, ramas fi
del totalitarismului stalinian (avant conflict), Zidul din Berlin va cadea.
Marele (tiran) roman va fi executat (le grand à mort). Moartea sa, dupa doar tre
i zile de la arestare (mort trop subite), va fi mult regretata (plainte).
Noul guvern (nay) va fi doar jumatate din ceea ce revolutia populara va fi voit
(miparfaict), caci majoritatea activistilor de partid se vor mentine la putere (
la plupart nagera).
La Timisoara si la Bucuresti, doua orase apropiate de Dunare (auprès du fleuve),
va fi pamantul patat de sangele revolutionarilor romani (de sang la terre teint
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