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I Don't Hate Rich People


There's a dark little corner of the Internet people gather to post what passes for their "thoughts" on political issues.

If you visited a neighborhood of "multi-million dollars homes, some of you will say: “I really cannot stand rich, selfish people. I do believe in redistribution of wealth. Rich people do not get that way by themselves, they do it on the backs of others”  I will say to them: Only misguided fools believe that the rich earned their spot as such
Where does this hatred come from? I  believe that the  rich got their money through  hard work 
But why aren't you rich? Why don't you have a fancy car? Why do you make rent payments instead of mortgage payments?  The last thing you want to do is to admit that this all may be your fault 
So … those rich people? Did they get that way doing the things you won't do?...yes, yes and again yes!
Generally speaking, I like rich people. If someone labors, saves money, innovates, invents, takes risks, invests, starts a business, works hard, grows their wealth, HIRES PEOPLE, is honest and fair, pays a fair proportionate share of taxes, contributes to the community, advocates family values, is kind to the less fortunate, benefits society, gives to charity, doesn't engage in criminal activities, and then one day becomes a multi-millionaire, THAT IS A NOBLE PERSON WITH GOOD CHARACTER
But there are rich and greedy people, and I am  referring to people who use trickery, bribes, backroom deals, deception, shell games, treason, and murder to amass digital dollars at the expense of common honest workers and , I'm  referring to people such as greedy hedge-fund managers, crooked investment bankers,  lying politicians, and psychotic news commentators.
I am not referring to  the immigrants  who moved to a foreign country, worked hard, saved money, started up a mom-and-pop diner, worked 80 hours a week over the course of years, and expanded it into a national chain across the country, and then becoming millionaires. That's realizing the "Australian Dream”
I don't mind wealthy people at all; to me the rich MEANS JOBS - so long as they don't bother me, I'm cool with them.. But like most decent people in Australia and around the world, I wouldn't lie, cheat, and kill to acquire my wealth. I just hate the rich and greedy cheaters, liars, and murderers who do, and always seem to get away with it.
I think it's important to know, that there are way more snobby people who are broke and poor out there, than rich. Why?  it's not the money, it's  rather the person. If you're kind, you're kind, no matter how much money you have. And if you're mean, you're mean, no matter how broke or wealthy you are!

This is how to keep an idiot busy, spending unnecessary money and time!

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Cei 50 de palmieri care au fost duşi, în statiunea Mamaia, au început să fie plantaţi, ieri, de către lucrătorii Direcţiei de Gospodărire Comunală (DGC) din cadrul Primăriei Constanta, graţie temperaturilor ridicate înregistrate în această perioadă. Potrivit afirmaţiilor directorului DGC, Dorina Tolea, acestea sînt primele 50 de plante exotice dintre cele 167 achiziţionate de municipalitate, care au început să fie plantate în vechile amplasamente din statiunea Mamaia (piaţeta din zona hotelului Select, piaţeta Casino şi intrarea în statiunea Mamaia). Palmierii au fost depozitaţi în perioada sezonului rece în sere, unde le-a fost asigurată o temperatură de 12-14 grade Celsius, au fost udaţi şi le-au fost administrate tratamente fitosanitare şi îngrăşăminte, pentru a benegicia de condiţii optime. “Palmierilor li se vor administra în continuare îngrăşăminte chimice şi tratamente specifice întreţinerii acestor plante“, a declarat Tolea. Plantele exotice au fost aduse din Grecia în urmă cu şase ani şi au fost plantate în Mamaia şi Constanta, după ce au fost puse, în prealabil, în vase speciale, care conţin pămînt îmbogăţit cu minerale. “Ceilalţi palmieri vor fi plantaţi în restul amplasamentelor din staţiunea Mamaia şi Constanta după 5 mai, unde vor rămîne pînă în luna octombrie.

Adevarul se exprima prin vorbe, Adevarul mare se exprima prin fapte.

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prea meticulos = prietenii te cred ciudat pentru ca iti aranjezi prea atent lucrurile  = esti inzestrat cu calitati organizatorice si cu capacitate de planificare

prea direct = spui intotdeauna oamenilor exact ce gandesti si ce simti chiar daca ii priveste personal    = ai incredere in tine si abordezi problemele in mod direct. iti place sa te angajezi in solutionarea unor probleme dificile.
prea lenes = iti incepi mereu treburile pe ultima suta de metri. daca exista un motiv pentru care sa nu faci ceva, il vei gasi. = poti face fata sarcinilor de ultim moment si poti lucra sub presiune.
esti dupa cum vad prea zgomotoasa = cand vorbesti nu se aude decat glasul tau. iti place sa fii in centrul atentiei. = esti entuziast si deschis. intr-un grup intri  in relatii firesti cu ceilalti.
prea incapatanat = nu suporti sa recunosti ca ai gresit sau sa renunti.    = esti perseverent. predai totdeauna un proiect la termen. you do not support to admit, that you wrong or to give up
prea vorbaret = cand participi la o conversatie, nimeni nu poate scoate un cuvant. monopolizezi discutia.    = te exprimi bine si iti place sa vorbesti in public, esti convingator si stii sa-ti prezinti  ideile.
prea bizar = nu mergi de obicei in pas cu ceilalti si faci lucrurile in felul tau.   = esti inventiv si poti oferi intotdeauna un punct de vedre original. itii place sa ai initiativa.
prea apatic, indiferent = nu pari sa ai vreodata o parere ferma si nimic nu pare sa te stimuleze. = esti adaptabil si se poate conta pe calmul tau in situatii stresante.
prea sensibil= pui totul la inima.   = esti o persoana binevoitoare si perspicace, abila in relatile interpersonale si dornica sa placa altora.
prea serios= totul ti se pare important. pari mereu incordat .   = esti o persoana prudenta si de nadejde. stii sa tii seama de toate posibilitatile.
prea extermist = reactionezi intodeauna in maniera excesiva. fiecare eveniment din viata ta pare extras dintr-un roman.  =esti o persoana creativa. imaginatia ta abunda in idei.
prea timid = orice persoana nou intalnita te face nervos. sfarsesti prin a face totul singur.   = stiii sa te 
motivezi. lucrezi  bine in mod independent si nu ai motive de suprav

Faleza Dunării

click here Faleza Dunarii, Galati este una dintre zonele reprezentative ale Galaţiului. Loc de promenadă pentru toţi, aici au loc frecvente concerte muzicale şi întreceri sportive (concerte "La Elice" şi Crosul Copiilor). Reprezintă aproape singura zonă unde s-au valorificat resursele pentru agrement. Oferă un mare potenţial de relaxare şi agreement prin, spaţii verzi.

Parcul Eminescu

 Parcul Eminescu, Galati amenajat în 1869, acest parc mai păstreaza câţiva arbori contemporani cuMihai Eminescu care poposi aici de mai multe ori mai ales în ultima parte a vieţii. În parc există un mic lac artifical şi un loc amenajat unde-n trecut fanfara militară susţinea recitaluri. Este renumit datorităcu prezenţei statuii lui Mihai Emines

What to See In Bucharest, Romania

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Bucharest's museums are a destination in themselves, especially the open-air Muzeul Satului (Village Museum) in the Herastrau Park near the Arcul de Triumf. Here you will find village architecture and crafts from all over Romania, including wooden churches from Maramures.

Other "musts" include the National Museum of Art, once the Royal Palace; the National History Museum on Calea Victoriei, housing the superb silverware of the Treasury; and Curtea Veche with its decorated little 16th  century church.
Nearby stands the magnificent Church of the Patriarchate, built in 1657 and preserved amongst the contrasting modernity of the Centrul Civic. And don't miss Stavropoleos Church near Curtea Veche, a real jewel of Romanian Orthodox architecture. If you are lucky to be in one of these churches during a christening or wedding ceremony you will witness an unforgettable ritual

Dacia Sandero

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Renault's budget brand Dacia has plans to enter the Australian market, although you won't be able to get your hands on a Logan, Sandero or new Duster compact off-roader for some years yet

Dacia spokesman Enrico Billi confirmed the company's interest in Australia
"We are considering it (exporting to Australia) ... the product must be adapted to our customers."
"We know that in the Australian market the demand is for more powerful engines than the light and economical engines that we have in the European market,"
Dacia does come to Australia it would actually be sold under the Renault badge


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Dracula is an international brand, not a Romanian one. But Bram Stocker chose to locate his vampire in the mysterious location of Transylvania. Thus, Romania is the only country in the world which can exploit the myth of Dracula as being at its ‘home’. This could be considered a competitive advantage for Romania as a tourist destination. The vampire named Dracula generates mixed, mainly negative, feelings among Romanians. And maybe – for the 21st century – can become a character falling in desuetude. Though, the question remains: should the Dracula myth be used as a brand promoting Romania as a tourist destination? 

Ana Aslan

Ana Aslan (1897 – 1988) was a Romanian scientist whose long and fruitful life was dedicated to the fight against aging. Her proposal of a cure that would slow down the aging process, Gerovital, became known throughout the world and it was used by famous and common people alike

In 1952, she invented and patented the H3 vitamin, also known as Gerovital (a combination of the Greek word “gero”, meaning “old”, and the Latin word “vita”, meaning “life”), based upon Novocain. In 1956, she presented her invention at the European Gerontology Congress at Karlsruhe and at the European Gerontology Congress at Basel, but her innovations were received with skepticism. During the following two years, the product was tested upon thousands of people and the results were favorable – they indicated that the aging process was slowed down by 40%. However, there were and still are critics claiming that Gerovital is nothing but a drug and that there are dangerous side effects such as low blood pressure, respiratory difficulties and convulsions

Mihail Eminescu (1850-1889)

Mihai Eminescu is often described as the essence of the Romanian soul, modern literary language in Romania is also much indebted to him. His work encompassed every genre of poetry (love, philosophical, cosmological, mythological, historical, socio-satiric, etc.) as well as prose and journalism. Eminescu is considered Europe's last great romantic not in the least because he gave voice of such unmistakable music to the sadness of love. His legacy, however, transcends the confines of Romanticism, the literary and philosophical Western traditions, the far east  influences and even the obvious imprint of the Romanian folklore. Blessed with the touch of genius, his synthesis is a personal world of meaning about the life of man and of the cosmos in archetypal images of universal worth.

Vreme trece, vreme vine,
Toate-s vechi si noua toate;
Ce e rau si ce e bine
Tu te-ntreaba si socoate;
Nu spera si nu ai teama,
Ce e val, ca valul trece;
De te-ndeamna, de te cheama'
Tu ramii la toate rece. 

Time goes by, time comes along,
All is old and all is new;
What is right and what is wrong,
You must think and ask of you;
Have no hope and have no fear,
Waves that rise can never hold;
If they urge or if they cheer,
You remain aloof and cold

Did I turn off my Romanian?

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I guess I had, because I never cook Romanian food for my children and then my mom arrived and turned it on again! How wonderful!
I happily concluded that I continue to be very Romanian in many other ways. Ways which cannot be turned off, at least for now.
But I also realized that, in the past 29 years since I have been living in the Australia., my Romanian was turned off in many other ways besides food.
My two visits to Romania, slowly bringing to the surface, because I now do some things differently than romanians do, or because I now do some things differently than they does.
Will these ways be turned on again as a result of 2 visits? How is it possible that 2 vizits can turn something as powerful as culture on and then off again? Can we? What do you think?


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Lamaia este un produs miraculos pentru  uciderea celulelor canceroase.
Ea este de 10.000 de ori mai puternica decat chimioterapia !!!
De ce nu suntem noi la curent cu asta?
Pentru ca exista laboratoare interesate in fabricarea unei versiuni sintetice, care le-ar aduce imense beneficii.
Voi puteti, de asemeni, sa va ajutati un prieten care are nevoie, anuntandu-l ca sucul de lamaie ii este benefic pentru a preveni boala.

Gustul ei este agreabil si el nu produce efectele oribile ale chimioterapiei.
Daca aveti posibilitatea, plantati un lamai in spatiul  sau in gradina voastra.
Cate persoane mor in timp ce acest secret este pastrat cu invidie, pentru a nu fi afectate beneficiile multimilionare ale marilor corporatii?
Cum stiti, lamaiul nu ocupa mult loc si este cunoscut pentru varietatile sale de lamai si lime.
Puteti sa consumati fructul in diverse moduri : puteti sa mancati pulpa, sa faceti suc, sa faceti bauturi, serbet etc.
I se atribuie multe virtuti, dar cea mai interesanta este efectul produs asupra chisturilor si tumorilor. Aceasta planta este un  remediu probat contra cancerului de toate tipurile. Unii afirma ca este de mare utilitate in toate tipurile de cancer. Se considera, de asemeni, ca este un agent antimicrobian cu spectru larg, care  controleaza infectiile bacteriene si cu ciuperci, eficace contra parazitilor interni si a viermilor, regularizeaza tensiunea arteriala crescuta si este antidepresiv, combate stress-ul si bolile nervoase.
Sursa acestei informatii este fascinanta; ea provine de la unul din cei mai mari fabricanti de medicamente din lume, care afirma ca dupa mai mult de 20 de experimente efectuate in laborator dupa 1970, rezultatele au relevat ca sucul de lamaie  distruge celulele maligne din 12 tipuri de cancer, intelegand aici cel de colon, de san, de prostata, de plaman, de pancreas...
Componentele acestui arbore au demonstrat ca actioneaza de 10.000 de ori mai bine decat produsul Adriamycin, un produs chimioterapeutic utilizat uzual in lume pentru incetinirea cresterii celulelor canceroase. Si ce este inca f. uimitor este ca acest tip de terapie cu extract de lamaie distruge  numai celulele maligne canceroase si nu afecteaza celulele sanatoase !
Institutul de Stiinte in Sanatate, L.L.C. 819 N. Str Charles Baltimore, MD 1201

Being diplomatic

Being diplomatic is sometimes referred to as keeping your opinions to yourself or being a people-pleaser, but diplomacy doesn’t necessarily mean not voicing your opinions or making yourself heard. To be diplomatic means to evaluate a situation before speaking or acting and to take the best course of action without being overly brash or bold. It takes the ability to interpret things, a little subtlety, and knowing how and what to say to be diplomatic. While diplomacy can be difficult in certain situations, especially in those that personally affect you or that involve something you feel strongly about, a few basic tips and reminders can make it easy to be diplomatic in everyday life situations.

Being decent person

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Being decent person It's about choosing and doing the right thing, having integrity, being honest, being fair, being compassionate.It seems to me that lately a lot of people have had trouble being decent people, and treating their fellow citizens of the earth as equals. I don’t know if people are just dumb, or if they truly are selfish. Either way, a lot of people are having issues being polite.

Ninety eight percent of my  friends on this facebook are decent, hardworking, honest people.
It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then again, we chose  them.

Here are some gifts done by myself to people that I have met on Basescu' Forum

 The Dream Gift to Ana-Maria 06.07.2010

Message from Ana-Maria: ...........daca vreau sa ma simt bine,daca vreau sa vad ceva frumos merg pe blogul tau,,ma incanta prima data gradina,apoi merg la tablouri, ma uit ,ajung la DREAM ,ma uit aici in camera mea,,si zambesc.. Multumesc,e putin,e doar un cuvant,dxar e din inima ! Iti doresc atat tie cat si familiei sanatate,iubire,si tot ce mai va doriti voi! Imi esti tare draga,,cu bine,, ana_maria

Australian Suvenirs including a boomerang .
A boomerang is a flying tool with a curved shape used as a weapon or for sport. Credited with inventing the boomerang, many Aboriginal groups used this tool mainly for hunting but also in religious ceremonies. The weapon can easily kill a small animal or knock down a larger one. Cristi Pitic unknown person from Romania, received one boomerang from me as a suvenir and he enjoing it very much.

$100 AUD send to unknown person from Romania
LA CONCURSUL DE PE FORUMUL PRESEDINTELUI TRAIAN BASESCU, INITIAT DE MINE , "Spuneti în 25 de cuvinte (romana sau engleza),ce veţi face cu $ 100 de dolari australieni (100 AUS = 67.32 EUR) ...castigatorul concursului a fost: Alnus 29.03.2010 08:52 "Ca pălmaş, cu aceşti bani voi cumpăra scule pentru prelucrarea lemnului. Aşa îmi voi completa veniturile la pensie şi voi crea frumuseţi prin cioplirea lemnului."..... BANII AU FOST PRIMITI SI CONFIRMATI DE ALNUS: Alnus 31.03.2010 07:16 Australianca.d.i. - confirm spusele tale şi îţi mulţmesc.

How to enjoy life

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1. Appreciate Beauty. Each day we come across beauty in a number of shapes and forms. It’s a shame, then, that many people have become so accustomed to this beauty that it largely goes unappreciated.

2. Connect With Nature. Nature is an amazing healer for the stresses and strains of modern life. 3. Laugh. The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” How very true. Never be too busy to laugh, or too serious to smile. Instead, surround yourself with fun people and don’t get caught up in your own sense of importance.
4. Have Simple Pleasures. A good cup of coffee when I first wake. Time spent playing with my your child. Cooking a nice meal in the evening. These may not seem terribly exciting, but they are some of the simple pleasures I enjoy in life. If you slow down for just a moment and take the time to appreciate these ordinary events, life becomes instantly more enjoyable.
5. Connect With People. In so many ways, it is our relationships with people that give us the most happiness in life.
6. Learn. There is a strong link between learning and happiness. There is no excuse not to be stimulating your brain and learning something new each day.
7. Rethink Your Mornings and Evenings. In the morning or  In the evening, consider spending some time just before bed reviewing your day or in meditation.
8. Celebrate Your Successes. Share the experience with someone else, reward yourself with a nice lunch, or just give yourself a mental pat on the back.