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Facebook addiction

OK, I admit it. I am truly addicted to Facebook,”. Text messaging is no longer the biggest obsession, Facebook is taking over the world Educated business people to intrigued grandparents has joined the phenomenon, and unsurprisingly many teenagers have also caught Facebook fever.We have a tendency to become obsessive with the Facebook, the trend The question is, have we overdone ? And is there really such thing as Facebook addiction?
FAD, or Facebook Addiction Disorder, is a condition that is defined by hours spent on Facebook, so much time in fact that the healthy balance of the individual’s life is affected. It has been said that approximately 350 million people are suffering from the disorder that is detected through a simple set of six-criteria. People who are victims of the condition must have at least 2-3 of the following criteria during a 6-8 month time period.
  1. Tolerance: This term is used to describe the desperate behavior of a Facebook addict.We spend an increasing amount of time on the site, coming to a stage where we need it in order to obtain satisfaction or on the other extreme,
  2. Withdrawal symptoms: When we become  restricted from using Facebook , common signsof withdrawal symptoms:  are anxiety, distress and the need to talk about Facebook and what might have been posted on their wall in their absence.
  3. Reduction of normal social/recreational activities: FAD will reduce the time spent catching up with friends, playing sport or whatever it is they used to enjoy doing, to simply spend time on Facebook. Instead of catching up with a friend for coffee, we will send a Facebook message
  4. Fake friends: If 8 out of 10 people shown on their Facebook page are complete strangers, it is undeniable: they have a serious case of FAD.
  5. Complete addiction: When they meet new people, they say their name, followed by “I’ll talk to you on Facebook”, or for those who are extremely bad, “I’ll see you in Facebook”. 
Facebook obsessions are definitely present in today’s society and whether it is a disorder or not, something needs to be done to fix it. Nobody can possibly disagree when the facts speak for themselves and when an individual’s online ‘life’ becomes more important than their real one, we know that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
How can we possibly fix this problem?  That is a question I can’t answer!.
I’m not sure what the experts say about the treatment of such conditions, but I do know one thing; like with all mental disorders, there will be no easy fix. I think that to begin with we all need to take a good look at ourselves and our behavior. If you’re Facebook time is eating into your social time, or your sport time, or your study time, something has gone seriously wrong. You need to go back and readjust, because to keep a healthy balance is the key to a happy, healthy life. It won’t be easy, and it certainly won’t happen overnight, but eventually we are going to be forced to fix this Facebook overload and cure the entire world of FAD. One can only hope.

Migration to Australia - How to get started

If you are looking to come to Australia either temporarily or permanently then this is the right page for you.

STEP 1 You need to ensure that you will meet the requirements set by the Australian immigration authorities. To help you assess this you can either look at The Points Test or you can send your details to ISCAH for a Free Assessment.

STEP 2 When you have been assessed as meeting the requirements you can then look to preparing an application. You can obtain Free application forms or you can use ISCAH's services. We will normally have quoted you a fee, though you can get a general guide at ISCAH's Fees.
STEP 3 To keep you updated with possible migration rule changes, even if you have decided to proceed by yourself, you should subscribe to the free ISCAH Newsletter
Don't forget that if you have any questions at all about migration you can send enquiries to ISCAH Enquiries. We will give you an answer as soon as possible, it may take a few days though, and is free. We have seperate e-mail addresses for our current clients so as to provide quicker service.

Best of luck with your application !!

Vrei sa dai jos cateva kilograme?

Daca vrei sa dai jos cateva kilograme e bine sa stii ca exista anumite  alimente care accelereaza arderile si reduc poftele culinare, ajutand astfel la eliminarea grasimii corporale. a cerut parerea unor experti de top pentru a afla care sunt aceste alimente si cateva sugestii pentru a le prepara mai usor si mai sanatos.  

Why Money Doesn’t Make You Happy

Because you don’t spend it right! : people with more money  are  more satisfied. But when asked how happy they are at the moment, people with more money are barely different than those with less; our money provides us with satisfaction when we think about it, but not when we use it. That shouldn’t happen. Money can buy many, if not most, if not all of the things that make people happy, and if it doesn’t, then the fault is ours.

Buy Experiences Instead of Things: Go out and buy yourself something nice.. That’s the advice to people who have just gotten bad news from their employer, their doctor, or their soon-to-be-ex spouse. Although the advice is well-meant, research suggests that people are often happier when they spend their money on experiences (e.g., climbing a mountain )rather than things.
Help Others Instead of Yourself Human beings are the most social animal on our planet: anything we do to improve our connections with others tends to improve our happiness as well . Spending money on a friend or romantic partner also provides an opportunity for positive self-presentation, which has been shown to produce benefits for mood
Buy Many Small Pleasures Instead of Few Big Ones; Buy Many Small Pleasures Instead of Few Big Ones The happiness provided by frequent small pleasures helps make sense of the modest correlation between money and happiness
Buy Less Insurance Businesses often trade on that ignorance by offering various forms of insurance against unhappiness, from extended warranties to generous return policies.People seek extended warranties and generous return policies in order to preclude the possibility of future regret, but research suggests that the warranties may be unnecessary for happiness and the return policies may actually undermine it.
Pay Now and Consume Later?  it eliminates anticipation, and anticipation is a source of .free. happiness. Emotional responses will be less intense in the future than in the present. If future feelings really were less intense than present feelings, then one could maximize benefits by consuming in the present
Think About What You’re Not Thinking About: If  people expect a single purchase to have a lasting impact on their happiness might make more realistic predictions if they simply thought about a typical day in their life.
Beware of Comparison Shopping: The comparison shopping offers obvious benefits to consumers, who can find the best deal on the product most ideally suited to their needs. the comparisons we make when we are shopping are not the same comparisons we will make when we consume what we shopped for
Follow the Herd Instead Of Your Head; the best way to predict how much we will enjoy an experience is to see how much someone else enjoyed it. Other people can supply us with a valuable source of data not only by telling us what has made them happy, but also by providing information about what they think will make us happy

Facebook friendship

It's one thing to start a face book friendship, it's quite another to maintain it, to keep it, to stay on
You need these qualities: loyalty, forgiveness, honesty, and dedication 
Loyalty: support them, even if do not agrre with them...just a "LIKE" on their post make them happy
Forgiveness:  Every friend you have will eventually disappoint you (DARED TO COMPROMISED YOU) ignore him/her and he/she will have the impresion that he is on you side..Too many good relationships fade because some slight - real or imagined - cancels it out
Honesty: Genuine friendship cannot exist where one of the parties is unwilling to hear the truth, True friends aren't afraid to be honest and they aren't afraid to be themselves...SO BE CAREFUL HERE,...ONCE THE TRUTH IS OUT...YOUR FRIND IS OUT if you want to keep your friend , just for the record....KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT...and you will be rewarded
Dedication:..refers to the ability of  people to influence  other's plans, thoughts, actions, and emotions, to spend time and effort on friendship, to give up something important or valuable for sake of friendship. ....even if an right....make sure stick up with your so beloved friend...and again you will be rewarded, keeping you on their record list
Good luck with you your friendship records....and you will be rewarded for taken in consideration the obove  qualities and don't forget to send them flowers, love songs and morning and afternoon greetings on their walls....and that will make them to keep you forever in their friendship list! 
If a friend ask you to judge a dispute/debate, don't accept it, because you will lose one friend; on the other hand, if a stranger come with the same request, accept because you will gain one friend.....So it is better to have disputed/debated a question with out settling it, than to settle it without debate

Cigarette packaging to go ugly olive green under proposed laws

ALL cigarette packs will be packaged olive green in a bid to reduce smoking rates in Australia.

All logos will be removed from cigarette packs and brand names displayed in a specific font under new laws to be proposed in federal parliament. The logos would be replaced with health warnings and graphic pictures depicting the dangers of smoking.

What do you think about ugly cigarette packaging?...I will say...

Should smacking children be illegal?

At present smacking of children by parents is legal under the common law, as long as reasonable force is used and the sole intention is to correct behaviour.

Smacking involving force or leaving lasting physical effects is already an abuse under child protection laws.
Many parents wonder where to draw the line - they often feel very guilty about hitting their kids, but I do not think it is morally defensible to hit children. You shouldn't try to change people's behaviour by hitting them. They are smaller and more vulnerable and you are teaching them to hit others.

Wearing a uniform at school!

The question of whether children should wear a uniform to school? In some countries school uniform is normal and most schools make their students wear one EG: Britain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa and many other African countries. In other countries, particularly in continental Europe, the USA and Canada, uniform is very rare in special state-funded schools.

   Having all students wear the same uniform helps create a sense that you belong somewhere and maintain a good school either by culture or spirit . And by showing that the expects an even higher standard, expectations are soon raised and students will usually respond with a better, more mature, behavior. When the United States began to use uniforms in public school there were many reports of improved discipline.
  If students can choose their own clothes, then the rich kids compete to show off their expensive designer labels and costly sneakers (trainers). Children from poorer families get picked on for not being able to afford lots of pricey outfits
  Schools with uniforms obtain better educational results. This is because there is better discipline.
Students don’t have to waste time thinking what to wear at the start of each school day.
In schools with no uniform, children may feel the need to dress in certain ways in order to fit in
Wearing a uniform helps to prepare students for the world of work, where uniforms are often worn

Cum sa devii bucurestean


Daca ai masina, trebuie sa inveti sa o conduci ca un bucurestean. In momentul in care te urci la volan,

trebuie sa uiti tot ce ai invatat la scoala de soferi (daca ai facut-o). Numai fraierii conduc ca la carte.
In practica, regulile se modifica dupa cum urmeaza: 

Bazinul de inot Galati

Bazinul de inot din Galati, care a fost inaugurat in 1970 cu ocazia Turneului de Polo pe Apa, Divizia B...La care au participat Dunarea Galati, CSM Tirgu Mures, Victoria Lugoj,Olimpia Oradea. Jucatorii de la Dunarea Galati: Capitanul echipei Iordan Ion (sotul meu), Gheorghe Ion, Dan Ungureanu, Fredy Schiving, Mircea Dragu, Medelcut Dumitru, Mihai Ungureanu, Portarul "Canibalul", Puiu Purcel, Vasile Horvat, si antrenorul Balint a antrenat Steaua si Echipa Nationala , si aparticipat ca Antrenor cu Echipa Nationala A Romaniei, La Olimpiada de la Melbourne si Roma, plus Balcaniadele din perioda respectiva. Daca am omis o parte din jucatori ami cer scuze! Abia din vara anului următor 2012 se va putea face iarăşi baie în spaţiul de lângă Sala Sporturilor

How your face can reveal your health condition

See full size image

Your face may possibly be a road map of your mind (it sometimes shows your personality), and your health. It is believed that the different parts of your face reveals the status of your health. Those parts also correlate with different organs of the body and their healthiness. Remember these health conditions MAY be indicated, and not for certain. Check with your doctor if you suspect problems. Any imbalance in the diet can cause an imbalance in facial features.
The nose is linked with your lungs. Long thin nostrils indicate weak lung power with less physical stamina. A person with long thin nostrils requires plenty of exercise and deep breathing. Wide nostrils show strong lung power and good physical vitality, strength and self-confidence.
A red bulbous greasy nose, possibly with the veins showing may indicate high blood pressure, heart and liver disorders. An indentation or cleft on the tip of the nose may also show heart or circulatory problems. A dull ache in the nose could indicate blood stagnation and possible heart trouble from eating rancid oils. A soft water nose shows too much intake of alkaline foods and a swollen heart. Sneezing is a discharge of excess alkaline in the system, examples; sugars, liquids, drugs, etc.
Hollow and sunken cheeks show weak lungs and digestive organs; improper nutrition or malnutrition, physical exhaustion and poor endurance. A hollow area in front of the ear opening denotes sub-normal secretion or saliva and inefficient food assimilation.
The face color also plays a part in showing health. Bluish, red and white spots or a habitual red flushed face may indicate heart disease, too much bile, fever, and inflammations. Blood becomes too thick to circulate through the body and results in stagnation and redness. This comes from too much meat, salt, sugar. Face pimples may possibly indicate too much sugar, fat, pastries, candy, meat, or eggs.
Orange or yellow skin shows liver, gal bladder, spleen, and pancreas disorders. Sweets and sugar can cause it.
Greenish skin may show liver disease and possible cancer. A pale face and cheeks indicate weak glands, congested and inactive liver and anemia. Thin, white transparent cheeks show weak glands, stomach, lungs and lack of energy.
White patches on the face show liver and kidney disorders. It may be from too many dairy foods, fats, sugars. Veins and blood vessels showing at the temples may indicate heart, liver, and gall bladder disease. Cheeks tinged with veins indicate heart and stomach disorders due to gluttony and alcohol.
Damp, clammy and excessive perspiration on the face indicates too much food, heart and kidney disease. Yellow, waxy or pasty faces show liver, stomach and gall bladder trouble.
A double chin may be a sign of excessive cholesterol and fatty deposits throughout the body. A small, narrow and receding chin may show less physical endurance. A weak chin may be caused by poor quality foods during pregnancy, especially calcium deficiency resulting in insufficient jaw bone formation.
The mouth and lips are at the uppermost position of the digestive system, which ends in the anus. The mouth and lips can show deeper internal problems.
Red or pale lips may indicated disorders in the stomach and intestines; compacted colon, constipation, indigestion.
A large loose, open mouth and lips may mean an expanded colon and stomach. It generally shows a rebellious and uncontrolled nature in mental and physical habits. A closed even mouth and lips, show a controlled mental and physical nature.
Wrinkles above the lips indicate sexual and hormonal malfunctioning. The mouth also indicates the condition of the spleen. A lack of vertical indentation, short distance between the nose and upper lip and thin pale lips denote weak internal glands, hormones, and sexual powers. A horizontal crease over the groove also shows malfunctioning sex glands.
Cracks at the corners of the mouth can show Vitamin B2 deficiency, digestive and stomach disorders. Sores on the lips may indicate intestinal, stomach toxemia and general body congestion. Tight, constricted lips show contraction of the intestines and vagina. A small mouth shows energy, physical and mental vitality. A swollen lip indicates stomach disorders.
A dry, thin, scaly and mottled appearance of the lower lip indicates a disorder of the salivary glands. A thin pale and dry upper lip indicates weaknesses of the reproductive system.
Whiteness around the mouth and pale lips indicate anemia, poor circulation, blood stagnation and lack of expression. Pink lips (Caucasian race) indicate good nutrition and health. Darker races can catch the condition of the gums, they should be pink, denoting good health. White gums show poor health and anemia.
Dark lips (Caucasian race) shows liver, kidney, and gall bladder trouble. Excessive bright red lips show high blood pressure, acute disease or infection, toxic liver and hemorrhoids. Purple lips indicate blood stagnation, diseased heart and circulatory system.
If the corners of the mouth turn down, it could mean stomach disorders.
Sparse eyebrows can indicate a weakening health condition. Eyebrows that slant down show a more gentle and compassionate nature.
The ears show the condition of the kidneys and adrenals. A creased ear lobe shows heart disorders or diabetes. A large ear lobe shows a healthy constitution. For good health, the ear should be thick, have a large and well formed inner ear, and a fleshy and thick inner ridge.
Small ears and lobes indicate weak adrenals and small kidneys. Ears that protrude show an impulsive and emotional personality. Red ears denote a possible toxic condition and an overworked kidney. If the outer portion of the ear is red, it could indicate spleen disease. Too much wax is a sign of too much fatty foods.
Remember, these are only signals that MAY occur. Consult your doctor for any concerned areas.

Parrot flower botancial species discovery of 1899

One of the rarest plant's few have ever seen in the world of botany is the Parrot Flower (Impatiens psittacina) looks like a parrot. 1 The flower appears as an orchid but lacks the specific characteristics (three petals and three sepals)
Flowers of the Parrot Plant blossom from October to November. The stem of the plant grows to an approximate height of 0.5 -1.5 centimeters (cm). "The leave is green and broad, the base is sharp pointed leaf". The rim of the leaf appears 2 - 4 cm wide and 4 - 6 cm long. Leafs blossom into charismatic colors red, purple, dark red, and some pink color. "Set seedings in a pot 2 -3 cm to encourage the plant to open and grow place them wider 5 - 6 cm. .Recommended optimal fruititious time when the flowers of the plant can be transplanted through October 23. 3
Some reports on the Internet claim the Parrot Plant is a hoax, but many credible sources confirm the existence of the plant.

Generation x, y, add and baby-boomers...

The Lost Generation 1880-1900 The term reflects the unthinkable loss of human life in the First World War- approaching 16 million killed and over 20 million wounded. This happened in just four and five months (1914-1918). We cannot imagine this today.

The Interbellum Generation 1900-1913 Interbellum means 'between wars', referring to the fact that these people were too young to fight in the First World War and too old to fight in the Second.
The Greatest Generation (The Veterans) 1914-1930 These people are revered for having grown up during the Great Depression and then fought or stood alongside those who fought in the Second World War (1939-45). As for other generations of the early 1900s, life was truly hard compared to later times.
The Silent Generation 1930-1945 Characterized as fatalistic, accepting, having modest career and family aspirations, focused on security and safety. These people experienced the 1930s Great Depression and/or the 2nd World War in early life, and post-war austerity in young adulthood. They parented and provided a foundation for the easier lives of the Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers 1946-1960 Equality, freedom, civil rights, environmental concern, peace, optimism, challenge to authority, protest. Baby Boomers mostly lived safe from war and serious hardship; grew up mostly in families, and enjoyed economic prosperity more often than not. Teenage/young adulthood years 1960-1980 - fashion and music: fun, happy, cheery, sexy, colourful, lively.
Generation Jones 1953-1968 Acquisitive, ambitious, achievement-oriented, cynical, materialistic (a reference to the expression 'keeping up with the Joneses'). Generation Jones is predominantly a US concept, overlapping and representing a sub-group within the Baby Boomer and Gen-X generations.
Generation X (Gen-X) 1960-1980 Apathy, anarchy, reactionism, detachment, technophile, resentful, nomadic, struggling. Teenage/young adulthood years 1973-2000 - fashion and music: anarchic, bold, anti-establishment.
MTV Generation 1974-1983 MTV Generation is a lesser-used term for a group overlapping X and Y. Like Generation Jones is to Baby Boomers and Gen-X, so MTV Generation is a bridge between Gen-X and Y.
Generation Y
(Gen-Y or Millennials) 1980-2000 and beyond (?) Views vary as to when this range ends, basically because no-one knows. Generational categories tend to become established some years after the birth range has ended. Teenage/young adulthood years 1990s and the noughties - fashion and music: mainstream rather than niche, swarmingly popular effects, fuelled by social networking and referral technology. Also called Echo Boomers because this generation is of similar size to the Baby Boomers.
Generation Z (Gen-Z or perhaps Generation ADD) after Gen-Y Too soon to say much about this group. A name has yet to become established, let alone characterizing features. Generation Z is a logical name in the X-Y-sequence. Generation ADD is less likely to establish itself as a name for this cohort - it refers ironically to Attention Deficit Disorder and the supposed inability of young people in the late noughties (say 2005-2009) to be able to concentrate for longer than a few seconds on anything. Gen-Z is difficult to differentiate from Gen-Y, mainly because (as at 2009) it's a little too soon to be seeing how people born after Gen-Y are actually behaving, unless the end of the Gen-Y range is deemed to be a few years earlier than the year 2000. Time will tell.