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Wearing a uniform at school!

The question of whether children should wear a uniform to school? In some countries school uniform is normal and most schools make their students wear one EG: Britain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa and many other African countries. In other countries, particularly in continental Europe, the USA and Canada, uniform is very rare in special state-funded schools.

   Having all students wear the same uniform helps create a sense that you belong somewhere and maintain a good school either by culture or spirit . And by showing that the expects an even higher standard, expectations are soon raised and students will usually respond with a better, more mature, behavior. When the United States began to use uniforms in public school there were many reports of improved discipline.
  If students can choose their own clothes, then the rich kids compete to show off their expensive designer labels and costly sneakers (trainers). Children from poorer families get picked on for not being able to afford lots of pricey outfits
  Schools with uniforms obtain better educational results. This is because there is better discipline.
Students don’t have to waste time thinking what to wear at the start of each school day.
In schools with no uniform, children may feel the need to dress in certain ways in order to fit in
Wearing a uniform helps to prepare students for the world of work, where uniforms are often worn

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