Bazinul de inot din Galati, care a fost inaugurat in 1970 cu ocazia Turneului de Polo pe Apa, Divizia B...La care au participat Dunarea Galati, CSM Tirgu Mures, Victoria Lugoj,Olimpia Oradea. Jucatorii de la Dunarea Galati: Capitanul echipei Iordan Ion (sotul meu), Gheorghe Ion, Dan Ungureanu, Fredy Schiving, Mircea Dragu, Medelcut Dumitru, Mihai Ungureanu, Portarul "Canibalul", Puiu Purcel, Vasile Horvat, si antrenorul Balint a antrenat Steaua si Echipa Nationala , si aparticipat ca Antrenor cu Echipa Nationala A Romaniei, La Olimpiada de la Melbourne si Roma, plus Balcaniadele din perioda respectiva. Daca am omis o parte din jucatori ami cer scuze! Abia din vara anului următor 2012 se va putea face iarăşi baie în spaţiul de lângă Sala Sporturilor
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How your face can reveal your health condition
Your face may possibly be a road map of your mind (it sometimes shows your personality), and your health. It is believed that the different parts of your face reveals the status of your health. Those parts also correlate with different organs of the body and their healthiness. Remember these health conditions MAY be indicated, and not for certain. Check with your doctor if you suspect problems. Any imbalance in the diet can cause an imbalance in facial features.
The nose is linked with your lungs. Long thin nostrils indicate weak lung power with less physical stamina. A person with long thin nostrils requires plenty of exercise and deep breathing. Wide nostrils show strong lung power and good physical vitality, strength and self-confidence.
A red bulbous greasy nose, possibly with the veins showing may indicate high blood pressure, heart and liver disorders. An indentation or cleft on the tip of the nose may also show heart or circulatory problems. A dull ache in the nose could indicate blood stagnation and possible heart trouble from eating rancid oils. A soft water nose shows too much intake of alkaline foods and a swollen heart. Sneezing is a discharge of excess alkaline in the system, examples; sugars, liquids, drugs, etc.
Hollow and sunken cheeks show weak lungs and digestive organs; improper nutrition or malnutrition, physical exhaustion and poor endurance. A hollow area in front of the ear opening denotes sub-normal secretion or saliva and inefficient food assimilation.
The face color also plays a part in showing health. Bluish, red and white spots or a habitual red flushed face may indicate heart disease, too much bile, fever, and inflammations. Blood becomes too thick to circulate through the body and results in stagnation and redness. This comes from too much meat, salt, sugar. Face pimples may possibly indicate too much sugar, fat, pastries, candy, meat, or eggs.
Orange or yellow skin shows liver, gal bladder, spleen, and pancreas disorders. Sweets and sugar can cause it.
Greenish skin may show liver disease and possible cancer. A pale face and cheeks indicate weak glands, congested and inactive liver and anemia. Thin, white transparent cheeks show weak glands, stomach, lungs and lack of energy.
White patches on the face show liver and kidney disorders. It may be from too many dairy foods, fats, sugars. Veins and blood vessels showing at the temples may indicate heart, liver, and gall bladder disease. Cheeks tinged with veins indicate heart and stomach disorders due to gluttony and alcohol.
Damp, clammy and excessive perspiration on the face indicates too much food, heart and kidney disease. Yellow, waxy or pasty faces show liver, stomach and gall bladder trouble.
A double chin may be a sign of excessive cholesterol and fatty deposits throughout the body. A small, narrow and receding chin may show less physical endurance. A weak chin may be caused by poor quality foods during pregnancy, especially calcium deficiency resulting in insufficient jaw bone formation.
The mouth and lips are at the uppermost position of the digestive system, which ends in the anus. The mouth and lips can show deeper internal problems.
Red or pale lips may indicated disorders in the stomach and intestines; compacted colon, constipation, indigestion.
A large loose, open mouth and lips may mean an expanded colon and stomach. It generally shows a rebellious and uncontrolled nature in mental and physical habits. A closed even mouth and lips, show a controlled mental and physical nature.
Wrinkles above the lips indicate sexual and hormonal malfunctioning. The mouth also indicates the condition of the spleen. A lack of vertical indentation, short distance between the nose and upper lip and thin pale lips denote weak internal glands, hormones, and sexual powers. A horizontal crease over the groove also shows malfunctioning sex glands.
Cracks at the corners of the mouth can show Vitamin B2 deficiency, digestive and stomach disorders. Sores on the lips may indicate intestinal, stomach toxemia and general body congestion. Tight, constricted lips show contraction of the intestines and vagina. A small mouth shows energy, physical and mental vitality. A swollen lip indicates stomach disorders.
A dry, thin, scaly and mottled appearance of the lower lip indicates a disorder of the salivary glands. A thin pale and dry upper lip indicates weaknesses of the reproductive system.
Whiteness around the mouth and pale lips indicate anemia, poor circulation, blood stagnation and lack of expression. Pink lips (Caucasian race) indicate good nutrition and health. Darker races can catch the condition of the gums, they should be pink, denoting good health. White gums show poor health and anemia.
Dark lips (Caucasian race) shows liver, kidney, and gall bladder trouble. Excessive bright red lips show high blood pressure, acute disease or infection, toxic liver and hemorrhoids. Purple lips indicate blood stagnation, diseased heart and circulatory system.
If the corners of the mouth turn down, it could mean stomach disorders.
Sparse eyebrows can indicate a weakening health condition. Eyebrows that slant down show a more gentle and compassionate nature.
The ears show the condition of the kidneys and adrenals. A creased ear lobe shows heart disorders or diabetes. A large ear lobe shows a healthy constitution. For good health, the ear should be thick, have a large and well formed inner ear, and a fleshy and thick inner ridge.
Small ears and lobes indicate weak adrenals and small kidneys. Ears that protrude show an impulsive and emotional personality. Red ears denote a possible toxic condition and an overworked kidney. If the outer portion of the ear is red, it could indicate spleen disease. Too much wax is a sign of too much fatty foods.
Remember, these are only signals that MAY occur. Consult your doctor for any concerned areas.
Parrot flower botancial species discovery of 1899
One of the rarest plant's few have ever seen in the world of botany is the Parrot Flower (Impatiens psittacina) looks like a parrot. 1 The flower appears as an orchid but lacks the specific characteristics (three petals and three sepals)
Flowers of the Parrot Plant blossom from October to November. The stem of the plant grows to an approximate height of 0.5 -1.5 centimeters (cm). "The leave is green and broad, the base is sharp pointed leaf". The rim of the leaf appears 2 - 4 cm wide and 4 - 6 cm long. Leafs blossom into charismatic colors red, purple, dark red, and some pink color. "Set seedings in a pot 2 -3 cm to encourage the plant to open and grow place them wider 5 - 6 cm. .Recommended optimal fruititious time when the flowers of the plant can be transplanted through October 23. 3
Some reports on the Internet claim the Parrot Plant is a hoax, but many credible sources confirm the existence of the plant.
Generation x, y, add and baby-boomers...
The Lost Generation 1880-1900 The term reflects the unthinkable loss of human life in the First World War- approaching 16 million killed and over 20 million wounded. This happened in just four and five months (1914-1918). We cannot imagine this today.
The Interbellum Generation 1900-1913 Interbellum means 'between wars', referring to the fact that these people were too young to fight in the First World War and too old to fight in the Second.
The Greatest Generation (The Veterans) 1914-1930 These people are revered for having grown up during the Great Depression and then fought or stood alongside those who fought in the Second World War (1939-45). As for other generations of the early 1900s, life was truly hard compared to later times.
The Silent Generation 1930-1945 Characterized as fatalistic, accepting, having modest career and family aspirations, focused on security and safety. These people experienced the 1930s Great Depression and/or the 2nd World War in early life, and post-war austerity in young adulthood. They parented and provided a foundation for the easier lives of the Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers 1946-1960 Equality, freedom, civil rights, environmental concern, peace, optimism, challenge to authority, protest. Baby Boomers mostly lived safe from war and serious hardship; grew up mostly in families, and enjoyed economic prosperity more often than not. Teenage/young adulthood years 1960-1980 - fashion and music: fun, happy, cheery, sexy, colourful, lively.
Generation Jones 1953-1968 Acquisitive, ambitious, achievement-oriented, cynical, materialistic (a reference to the expression 'keeping up with the Joneses'). Generation Jones is predominantly a US concept, overlapping and representing a sub-group within the Baby Boomer and Gen-X generations.
Generation X (Gen-X) 1960-1980 Apathy, anarchy, reactionism, detachment, technophile, resentful, nomadic, struggling. Teenage/young adulthood years 1973-2000 - fashion and music: anarchic, bold, anti-establishment.
MTV Generation 1974-1983 MTV Generation is a lesser-used term for a group overlapping X and Y. Like Generation Jones is to Baby Boomers and Gen-X, so MTV Generation is a bridge between Gen-X and Y.
Generation Y
(Gen-Y or Millennials) 1980-2000 and beyond (?) Views vary as to when this range ends, basically because no-one knows. Generational categories tend to become established some years after the birth range has ended. Teenage/young adulthood years 1990s and the noughties - fashion and music: mainstream rather than niche, swarmingly popular effects, fuelled by social networking and referral technology. Also called Echo Boomers because this generation is of similar size to the Baby Boomers.
Generation Z (Gen-Z or perhaps Generation ADD) after Gen-Y Too soon to say much about this group. A name has yet to become established, let alone characterizing features. Generation Z is a logical name in the X-Y-sequence. Generation ADD is less likely to establish itself as a name for this cohort - it refers ironically to Attention Deficit Disorder and the supposed inability of young people in the late noughties (say 2005-2009) to be able to concentrate for longer than a few seconds on anything. Gen-Z is difficult to differentiate from Gen-Y, mainly because (as at 2009) it's a little too soon to be seeing how people born after Gen-Y are actually behaving, unless the end of the Gen-Y range is deemed to be a few years earlier than the year 2000. Time will tell.
I Don't Hate Rich People
There's a dark little corner of the Internet people gather to post what passes for their "thoughts" on political issues.
If you visited a neighborhood of "multi-million dollars homes, some of you will say: “I really cannot stand rich, selfish people. I do believe in redistribution of wealth. Rich people do not get that way by themselves, they do it on the backs of others” I will say to them: Only misguided fools believe that the rich earned their spot as such
Where does this hatred come from? I believe that the rich got their money through hard work
But why aren't you rich? Why don't you have a fancy car? Why do you make rent payments instead of mortgage payments? The last thing you want to do is to admit that this all may be your fault
So … those rich people? Did they get that way doing the things you won't do?...yes, yes and again yes!
Generally speaking, I like rich people. If someone labors, saves money, innovates, invents, takes risks, invests, starts a business, works hard, grows their wealth, HIRES PEOPLE, is honest and fair, pays a fair proportionate share of taxes, contributes to the community, advocates family values, is kind to the less fortunate, benefits society, gives to charity, doesn't engage in criminal activities, and then one day becomes a multi-millionaire, THAT IS A NOBLE PERSON WITH GOOD CHARACTER
But there are rich and greedy people, and I am referring to people who use trickery, bribes, backroom deals, deception, shell games, treason, and murder to amass digital dollars at the expense of common honest workers and , I'm referring to people such as greedy hedge-fund managers, crooked investment bankers, lying politicians, and psychotic news commentators.
I am not referring to the immigrants who moved to a foreign country, worked hard, saved money, started up a mom-and-pop diner, worked 80 hours a week over the course of years, and expanded it into a national chain across the country, and then becoming millionaires. That's realizing the "Australian Dream”
I don't mind wealthy people at all; to me the rich MEANS JOBS - so long as they don't bother me, I'm cool with them.. But like most decent people in Australia and around the world, I wouldn't lie, cheat, and kill to acquire my wealth. I just hate the rich and greedy cheaters, liars, and murderers who do, and always seem to get away with it.
I think it's important to know, that there are way more snobby people who are broke and poor out there, than rich. Why? it's not the money, it's rather the person. If you're kind, you're kind, no matter how much money you have. And if you're mean, you're mean, no matter how broke or wealthy you are!
This is how to keep an idiot busy, spending unnecessary money and time!
Cei 50 de palmieri care au fost duşi, în statiunea Mamaia, au început să fie plantaţi, ieri, de către lucrătorii Direcţiei de Gospodărire Comunală (DGC) din cadrul Primăriei Constanta, graţie temperaturilor ridicate înregistrate în această perioadă. Potrivit afirmaţiilor directorului DGC, Dorina Tolea, acestea sînt primele 50 de plante exotice dintre cele 167 achiziţionate de municipalitate, care au început să fie plantate în vechile amplasamente din statiunea Mamaia (piaţeta din zona hotelului Select, piaţeta Casino şi intrarea în statiunea Mamaia). Palmierii au fost depozitaţi în perioada sezonului rece în sere, unde le-a fost asigurată o temperatură de 12-14 grade Celsius, au fost udaţi şi le-au fost administrate tratamente fitosanitare şi îngrăşăminte, pentru a benegicia de condiţii optime. “Palmierilor li se vor administra în continuare îngrăşăminte chimice şi tratamente specifice întreţinerii acestor plante“, a declarat Tolea. Plantele exotice au fost aduse din Grecia în urmă cu şase ani şi au fost plantate în Mamaia şi Constanta, după ce au fost puse, în prealabil, în vase speciale, care conţin pămînt îmbogăţit cu minerale. “Ceilalţi palmieri vor fi plantaţi în restul amplasamentelor din staţiunea Mamaia şi Constanta după 5 mai, unde vor rămîne pînă în luna octombrie.
Adevarul se exprima prin vorbe, Adevarul mare se exprima prin fapte.
prea meticulos = prietenii te cred ciudat pentru ca iti aranjezi prea atent lucrurile = esti inzestrat cu calitati organizatorice si cu capacitate de planificare
prea direct = spui intotdeauna oamenilor exact ce gandesti si ce simti chiar daca ii priveste personal = ai incredere in tine si abordezi problemele in mod direct. iti place sa te angajezi in solutionarea unor probleme dificile.
prea lenes = iti incepi mereu treburile pe ultima suta de metri. daca exista un motiv pentru care sa nu faci ceva, il vei gasi. = poti face fata sarcinilor de ultim moment si poti lucra sub presiune.
esti dupa cum vad prea zgomotoasa = cand vorbesti nu se aude decat glasul tau. iti place sa fii in centrul atentiei. = esti entuziast si deschis. intr-un grup intri in relatii firesti cu ceilalti.
prea incapatanat = nu suporti sa recunosti ca ai gresit sau sa renunti. = esti perseverent. predai totdeauna un proiect la termen. you do not support to admit, that you wrong or to give up
prea vorbaret = cand participi la o conversatie, nimeni nu poate scoate un cuvant. monopolizezi discutia. = te exprimi bine si iti place sa vorbesti in public, esti convingator si stii sa-ti prezinti ideile.
prea bizar = nu mergi de obicei in pas cu ceilalti si faci lucrurile in felul tau. = esti inventiv si poti oferi intotdeauna un punct de vedre original. itii place sa ai initiativa.
prea apatic, indiferent = nu pari sa ai vreodata o parere ferma si nimic nu pare sa te stimuleze. = esti adaptabil si se poate conta pe calmul tau in situatii stresante.
prea sensibil= pui totul la inima. = esti o persoana binevoitoare si perspicace, abila in relatile interpersonale si dornica sa placa altora.
prea serios= totul ti se pare important. pari mereu incordat . = esti o persoana prudenta si de nadejde. stii sa tii seama de toate posibilitatile.
prea extermist = reactionezi intodeauna in maniera excesiva. fiecare eveniment din viata ta pare extras dintr-un roman. =esti o persoana creativa. imaginatia ta abunda in idei.
prea timid = orice persoana nou intalnita te face nervos. sfarsesti prin a face totul singur. = stiii sa te
motivezi. lucrezi bine in mod independent si nu ai motive de suprav
Faleza Dunării
click here Faleza Dunarii, Galati este una dintre zonele reprezentative ale Galaţiului. Loc de promenadă pentru toţi, aici au loc frecvente concerte muzicale şi întreceri sportive (concerte "La Elice" şi Crosul Copiilor). Reprezintă aproape singura zonă unde s-au valorificat resursele pentru agrement. Oferă un mare potenţial de relaxare şi agreement prin, spaţii verzi.
Parcul Eminescu
Parcul Eminescu, Galati amenajat în 1869, acest parc mai păstreaza câţiva arbori contemporani cuMihai Eminescu care poposi aici de mai multe ori mai ales în ultima parte a vieţii. În parc există un mic lac artifical şi un loc amenajat unde-n trecut fanfara militară susţinea recitaluri. Este renumit datorităcu prezenţei statuii lui Mihai Emines
What to See In Bucharest, Romania
Bucharest's museums are a destination in themselves, especially the open-air Muzeul Satului (Village Museum) in the Herastrau Park near the Arcul de Triumf. Here you will find village architecture and crafts from all over Romania, including wooden churches from Maramures.
Other "musts" include the National Museum of Art, once the Royal Palace; the National History Museum on Calea Victoriei, housing the superb silverware of the Treasury; and Curtea Veche with its decorated little 16th century church.
Nearby stands the magnificent Church of the Patriarchate, built in 1657 and preserved amongst the contrasting modernity of the Centrul Civic. And don't miss Stavropoleos Church near Curtea Veche, a real jewel of Romanian Orthodox architecture. If you are lucky to be in one of these churches during a christening or wedding ceremony you will witness an unforgettable ritual
Dacia Sandero
Renault's budget brand Dacia has plans to enter the Australian market, although you won't be able to get your hands on a Logan, Sandero or new Duster compact off-roader for some years yet
Dacia spokesman Enrico Billi confirmed the company's interest in Australia
"We are considering it (exporting to Australia) ... the product must be adapted to our customers."
"We know that in the Australian market the demand is for more powerful engines than the light and economical engines that we have in the European market,"
Dacia does come to Australia it would actually be sold under the Renault badge
Dracula is an international brand, not a Romanian one. But Bram Stocker chose to locate his vampire in the mysterious location of Transylvania. Thus, Romania is the only country in the world which can exploit the myth of Dracula as being at its ‘home’. This could be considered a competitive advantage for Romania as a tourist destination. The vampire named Dracula generates mixed, mainly negative, feelings among Romanians. And maybe – for the 21st century – can become a character falling in desuetude. Though, the question remains: should the Dracula myth be used as a brand promoting Romania as a tourist destination?
Ana Aslan
Ana Aslan (1897 – 1988) was a Romanian scientist whose long and fruitful life was dedicated to the fight against aging. Her proposal of a cure that would slow down the aging process, Gerovital, became known throughout the world and it was used by famous and common people alike
In 1952, she invented and patented the H3 vitamin, also known as Gerovital (a combination of the Greek word “gero”, meaning “old”, and the Latin word “vita”, meaning “life”), based upon Novocain. In 1956, she presented her invention at the European Gerontology Congress at Karlsruhe and at the European Gerontology Congress at Basel, but her innovations were received with skepticism. During the following two years, the product was tested upon thousands of people and the results were favorable – they indicated that the aging process was slowed down by 40%. However, there were and still are critics claiming that Gerovital is nothing but a drug and that there are dangerous side effects such as low blood pressure, respiratory difficulties and convulsions
Mihail Eminescu (1850-1889)
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