Noises made by cats |
Catalan: "meu" (Courtesy of koala.) |
Chinese: "mao" (Courtesy of BrainsOfSteel.) |
Danish: "miav" (Courtesy of Carthag.) |
Dutch: "miauw" (Courtesy of fuzzy and blue.) |
English: "meow" |
Finnish: "miau" (Courtesy of Jope.) |
French: "miaou" |
German: "Miau" (Courtesy of mawa.) |
Greek: "naiou" (Courtesy of donnaidh_sidhe.) |
Hebrew: "Miau" and sometimes "Miya" (Courtesy of undone.) |
Hungarian: "miau" (Courtesy of ba.) |
Japanese: "nyan", "nya", "n'yao" or "myah" (Courtesy of nekojin and tongpoo.) |
Korean: "yaong" or "nyaong" (Courtesy of Provolo.) |
Norwegian: "mjau" (Courtesy of delta.) |
Portuguese: "miau" (Courtesy of e-anorexia.) |
Spanish: "miau" |
Swedish: "mjau" (Courtesy
of rollo.) |
Images from my garden, Oil paint pictures, Wood art, Collection, My point of view and Facts.
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Life is too short!
Muraturile, bune pentru organism!
Muratul este unul din cele mai vechi moduri de a conserva alimentele, descoperit cu mii de ani in urma, in Mesopotamia. Stramosii nostri au explorat modalitati de a marina produsele alimentare, ca urmare a unui instinct de a asigura aprovizionarea cu alimente pentru ierni lungi, foamete, precum si alte nevoi. Istoricii spun ca acum 2000 de ani muncitorii care au lucrat la Marele Zid Chinezesc au mancat varza murata Este si o arta culinara globala. Daca te vei duce la o degustare internationala, vei gasi muraturi peste tot. Sa nu te miri daca descoperi ca anumite culturi au o varietate larga de alimente murate. Pe intelesul tuturor, muraturile sunt alimente inmuiate in solutii care previn deteriorarea lor. Fermentarea va incuraja cresterea microorganismelor “bune” din alimente, prevenind cresterea microorganismelor care altereaza alimentele. Insa pentru ca totul sa iasa bine, ai nevoie de ingrediente speciale si conditii atent controlate, cum ar fi temperatura si pH-ul. |
Sucul de țelină este foarte nutritiv și unul din cele mai hidratante alimente pentru corp pe care le putem consuma. Deoarece are calități puternic alcalinizante, echilibrează pH-ul corpului, foarte important pentru menținerea sănătății. Încă din antichitate, țelina a fost considerată o plantă medicinală și a fost utilizată pentru a trata multe probleme de sănătate. Mineralele, vitaminele și substanțele nutritive conținute sunt în proporție foarte echilibrată. Frunzele de țelină sunt foarte bogate în vitamina A, în timp ce tulpina este o sursă excelentă de vitaminele B1, B2, B6 și C, precum și de potasiu, acid folic, calciu, magneziu, fier, fosfor, sodiu și aminoacizi esențiali. |
How much is enough money?
Cateva Remedii Naturiste
Toti suntem din cand in cand atinsi de diferite dureri, arsuri, intepaturi etc., iar aceste mici inconveniente, le putem trata natural cu ce avem la indemana in casa.
1. Oprirea sangerarii O sa credeti ca va arde, dar aveti incredere presarati putin piper pe rana care va opri imediat sângerarea şi va opri de fapt si durerea.
2. Durerea de dinţi Nu trebuie sa ignorati problemele legate de dinti, deoarece o infecţie poate fi extrem de periculosa, dar, pentru a reduce umflarea şi durere în timp ce aşteptaţi pentru o programare la dentist, încercaţi să puneţi câteva picături de ulei de cuişoare pe dinte si gingii si sa mestecati un graunte(catel) de usturoi intre dinti ( are excelente proprietati antibacteriene).
Things That Drive Me Nuts
Melbourne Cup
Did You Know?
Peanut butter can actually be used to remove scratches from CD's. You can buy over 2100 apples with the price of one Apple iPhone 4S.In Filipino, the word ''Gaga'' refers to a stupid and idiotic girl. Chickens can see daylight 45 minutes before humans can. The area that surrounds Chernobyl will not be safe for human life again for about, another 20,000 years. If you commit suicide by train in Japan, your family may be charged up to $12,000! With 9.6% of its population chronically depressed, the U.S. is the most depressed country in the world. The least depressed is Nigeria. If you leave Tokyo by plane at 7:00am, you will arrive in Honolulu at approximately 4:30pm the previous day. |
average, shorter men live about 2 years longer than taller men |
Oamenii egoişti sunt mai fericiţi
Feng Shui tips for your home
Feng Shui tips for your business and office
10 Habits You Must Quit to Be Happy
1. Quit procrastinating on your goals.Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it. Action and change are often resisted when they’re needed most. Get a hold of yourself and have discipline. Putting something off instantly makes it harder and scarier. What we don’t start today won’t be finished by tomorrow. And there’s nothing more stressful than the perpetual lingering of an unfinished task. The secret to getting ahead is simply getting started. Starting, all by itself, is usually sufficient to build enough momentum to keep the ball rolling. So forget about the finish line and just concentrate on taking your first step. Say to yourself, “I choose to start this task with a small, imperfect step.” All those small steps will add up and you’ll actually get to see changes fairly quickly. Read Getting Things Done |
Teenagers and Headaches: When It's Cause for Concern
13 Things You Didn't Know About Caviar
Caviar is judged on its color, flavor, texture and how well it helps you get it on.Do you remember the first time you had caviar? You’d heard so much about it, this mysterious luxury: tiny black pearls so exquisite in flavor and texture that people paid through the nose for just a dollop. Then, you tasted it. And there it was: salty and fishy, a little black mound on a little fat pancake with some sour creamy spread. |
You thought to yourself, is this
it? Surely, few people fall for caviar upon first bite. It takes those
second, third and fourth bites to get it. Then, it’s like,Woah, where have
you been all my life! We tapped Alexandre Petrossian of thePetrossian
fine food company and the grandson of one of the first guys to bring
caviar to France, then America, to tell us everything there is to know about
fancy fish eggs. |
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