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Australian Music

The music of a culture reflects the intonation of language, rhythms of speech, noises in the environment and different aspects of life - all of which is culturally based. Every culture has music that is distinctive and an important aspect of its identity.

10 Air Purifying Plants

The following are the top 10 indoor plants, as rated for ease of maintenance and effectiveness at purifying the air:

Why we love men?

 I did some research and compiled a full list. Please feel free to add more items.

Remediile bunicii impotriva tusei

Bunicii nostri nu au crezut niciodata atat de mult in medicamente pe cat au crezut in plante si in puterea leacurilor naturale. Asa au luat nasterele "leacurile babesti": fie ca vorbim de gargara cu sare pentru dureri de gat, de malai copt pentru dureri in piept, galbenus de ou pentru arsuri si altele. Iata cateva remedii pentru probleme diverse desanatate! Astept si recomandarile tale! 

Pastele la romani

Sarbatoarea Pastelui cuprinde mai multe obiceiuri profane, de la curatenia in casa, obiceiurile gastronomice si innoirea hainelor, la oferirea de cadouri pe care le-ar aduce Iepurasul de Paste, multe avand insa credinte crestine sau precrestine la origine.