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10 Things We Hate About Romania.
10 Things We Love about Romania:
Organic is the norm; we're hoping the small farmers will survive the mass production revolution. |
Mineritul in Romania
Mineritul in Romania, este o problema foarte discutata si controversata, care starneste polemici, dispute, intrigi si altele, mai ales daca stam sa ne gandim la Rosia Montana, zona in care domeniul aurifer a fost cel mai practicat si zona care este cea mai veche localitate ce a fost atestata documentar ca fiind localitate miniera. Importanta Rosiei Montane este descoperita inca din perioada dacilor si a romanilor, perioada din care s-au pastrat pana in prezent galerii, unice la nivel european, conservate cu maiestrie.
Australian Politics For Dummies
Politics — it’s everywhere. It affects everything in society, like taxes, the environment, health, education, the economy, international affairs, security and everything in between. So, knowing how political decisions are made and who the important actors are makes sense. Knowledge is power, and understanding how the Australian political system actually works gives you the power to get involved and influence politics yourself.
Management of a heart attack
The warning signs of heart attack vary and |
usually last for at least 10 minutes. |
The patient may get more than one of |
these symptoms: |
• discomfort or pain in the centre of |
the chest. It may come suddenly or |
start slowly over minutes. It may be |
described as tightness, heaviness, |
fullness, squeezing. |
• the pain may be severe, moderate or |
mild. Pain may spread to the neck, |
throat or jaw, shoulders, the back, |
and either or both arms. |
Other signs and symptoms: |
• shortness of breath |
• sweating |
• nausea / vomiting |
• dizziness |
Australian Prime Ministers
Australia Day
Parfumul si Zodiacul
What You Need to Know About Gout
Gout is a disease that is due to an inborn disorder of the uric acid metabolism and is also referred to as metabolic arthritis. When you suffer from this disease monosodium urate crystals are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints and in tissues such as the tendons. Then also causes an inflammatory reaction to the tissue and the deposits get larger and burst through the skin to form sinuses discharging a white material.
Recunoasterea produselor modificate genetic
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