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Watermelon (Pepene rosu)

CURA DE DETOXIFIERE CU PEPENE ROSU Daca vrei sa detoxifici organismul (si, de ce nu, sa slabesti), cura de detoxifiere cu pepene rosu este ideala.
Cura este bine sa dureze minimum 3 zile, maximum 7. Organismul iti va spune singur daca sint necesare mai mult de 3 zile de detoxifiere, recomandarea specialistilor fiind sa te opresti,atunci cind simti nevoia si de alte alimente. Pepenele rosu contine 95 % apa, asa ca nu e de mirare recomandarea specialistilor: daca vrei sa cureti organismul de toxine, maninca pepene rosu !
  Pe linga detoxifiere, insa, pepenele rosu hidrateaza si ne ofera vitaminele A, B6, B1 si C. In acelasi timp, este o importanta sursa de magneziu, potasiu si aminoacizi. Contine, de asemenea, licopen, un antioxidant ce lupta impotriva bolilor la stomac, esofag, colon si prostata. Si, nu in ultimul rind, pepenele rosu ne ajuta sa slabim ! Confirmarea vine din partea specialistului in terapii corporale, Cristina Saia, care a tinut cura de detoxifiere de 7 zile, cu pepene rosu.

The more we study watermelon, the more we realize just how incredible this fruit really is.
It’s full of antioxidants shown to reduce the inflammation that contributes to diabetes, asthma, atherosclerosis, colon cancer, and arthritis - but that’s not all.
Other beneficial ingredients in watermelon are known as Phytonutrients - which are naturally occurring compounds that are bioactive and able to trigger healthy reactions within our body.
1. Asthma – The antioxidants, such as Citrulline in watermelon can reduce toxins in the body. Some of these toxins are believed to trigger asthma attacks.
2. Arthritis – Watermelon is rich in Vitamin C and Beta-Carotenes. Both have anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
3. Bladder Problems – Containing 92% water, this melon acts as a natural diuretic that cleanses your kidney and bladder.
4. High Cholesterol – The cleansing properties of watermelon may also reduce the risk of clogged arteries. The fruit is also believed to increase HDL (good cholesterol levels).
5. Constipation – A glass of watermelon juice can naturally eliminate waste and promote proper digestion.
6. Bloating – Again, the diuretic effect of watermelon can eliminate water retention. It is especially recommended for women who retain fluids during menstruation or pregnancy.
7. Heart Disease – Watermelon contains Folic acid and Citrulline that works in tandem with other essential vitamins. Some research indicates that these vitamins may reduce the risk of a heart attack, stroke and colon cancer.
8. Itchy Skin – As the water from the melon cleanses your system, it can flush out the toxic waste that cause some forms of itchiness.
9. Prostate Cancer – The Lycopene in watermelon has been extensively reported to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
10. Blemishes – Watermelon can also be used as a beauty aid to reduce skin blemishes. Simply rub your skin with a small piece of watermelon. Leave the juice on for 10 minutes before rinsing.

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